17. Escape From Mystery Manor

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It's Halloween on a night from decades ago. Pumpkins lit up the steps to a mansion that sat at the end of a pathway. A small girl in a costume walked up the stairs now with here trick or treat bag in hand. As she reached the door she took a hold of one it's knockers and knocked. The door slowly opens now. 

"Trick or Treat!" The little girl says happily but suddenly she gasps when an elderly man appears in the doorway holding a strange look item. 

"You'll never get this from me, you little brats. Never. Argh!" He says but a woman who looks to be his wife tackles him to the ground now and tires to take the item from him. 

The little girl screams now as she runs away. 

"It's mine!" The wife says.

"Give it to me!" A young teenage girl says appearing to be the daughter as they all fight over the strange item now.  A little boy comes into the struggle now and after the item changes hands several times he lifts it in the air. 

"I have it! I have it!" He chants. But before any of the family members can try stealing it back a rumbling begins to occur as the house shakes as if an earthquake hit it. 

"Daddy? Mommy? What's going on?" The little boy asks now. 

Outside the large mansion begins to sink into the ground as it disappears with the family still inside screaming. 

It's present day now and the Mystery gang were all at the K-Ghoul station. 

"Angel Dynamite coming at you with the spinners spinning round for all you sinners in this town. Be right back, Dig?" Angel says as she cuts to an ad break. She now gets up to look at the Mystery gang who have set a planning board. 

"Okay kids, lay it on me. And don't hold out on me." Angel says to them. 

"Here are the clues we have so far that we know are linked to the curse of the haunted treasure.  One the locket we found in the Crystal Cove caves which has the the picture of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves from the original Mystery Inc inside. Two, Professor Pericles, also a member of the original Mystery Inc who escaped from prison and then vanished without a trace. Three, the Darrow family who disappeared along with their mansion nearly 75 years ago without a trace. Which leads us to four, Mr E. A mysterious ally who's been leaving us clues to help solve this mystery...which we still haven't solved." Velma says as she finishes explaining. 

"Mr E left this on my doorstep last night." Angel says now as she hands a book to the gang. 

"Weird it doesn't have the standard letter E stamped on the front." Daphne says and Y/n's brows furrow slightly at the comment. "Daphne opens up the book now. 

"Dear Diary. Man I dig Ricky. Last night I fantasized that he took me in his big strong arms on a magic carpet ride all the way to the mysterious perfumed gullies of Romancylvania." Daphne reads out as the boys all cringe slightly. "This belonged to Cassidy Williams of the original Mystery Incorporated." 

Angel scratches her chin now. "Try the last entry before they disappeared." She suggests now. and Daphne flips to the end of the book. 

"Dear Diary. In our quest to track down the cursed treasure we leave tonight to search of the site of the old Darrow mansion."

"That is odd. I believe the newspaper article we read said they disappeared from the Crystal Cove Caves." Y/n says and Velma nods her head in agreement. 

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