13. The Shrieking Madness

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"The shrieking madness of Char Gar Gothakon the beast who hath no name. You're actually reading this?" A man holding a book says to group sat in a diner.

"The professor is a great write, his stuff is spooky." One of group members says.

"Hatecraft is a total fake he says he's just writing what demons from dark dimensions tell him. Please." He scoffs putting the book down now and turning around to put up a bulletin on a board behind him.  

"How do you know there not true?" One of the group members challenges. 

"Um because I have a brain. Wait till Harlan Ellison speaks here." The man says pointing to the  poster of said man he had just put up. "He's a real writer and we'll set you bozo's straight about Hatecraft." He says before leaving the disgruntled group.

The man walked outside the diner now revealing it to be late at night as the moon shined high above. "Char Gar Gothakon the beast that has no name. How can professor Hatecraft name the creature in the title then say it has no name? Ridiculous." He says to himself unaware of the large shadow forming on a building wall nearby. He stops in his tracks however and sniffs. "Ugh what is that smell?" He asks disgusted by a repugnant stench as he turns around.    

As he does he comes face to face with a large creature that looks like a cross between a man and a squid. It shrieks projecting a powerful wave that throws both the man and a nearby car backwards.

"P..please stop!" The man pleads fearfully as he starts to run but he gets caught up in the wave again and this time he is launched into the air and lands on top of car hood denting it with the impact. He groans in pain before he looks up to see the creature edging closer towards him. "please...Please!" He cowers now.

A smart car stopped outside the Darrow university. It was being driven by a chauffer. Sat in the back were Daphne and her parents. "Now chin up Daph, spending some time away from your little mystery club will do you some good." Her father says to her.

"Stop by the building we paid for and if you see any professors remind them your sisters all graduated from Darrow university by the time they were 13." Daphne's mom adds.

"I'm only visiting this school because you want me to mom, what if Darrow isn't for me?" Daphne says and her mother starts to laugh. 

"A college good enough for the other Blake girls isn't good enough for you. Oh Daphne sometimes I wish we'd have had a boy." She says jokingly but Daphne looks a little down as she gets out now. 

Sat in another car was Fred and his dad. 

"Fred go straight to my old fraternity and drop my name they have to let you in no matter how much you talk about traps." The mayor says to his son.

"Man it feels weird being here without the gang, things sure have been rough since Shaggy and Velma broke up." Fred says.

"By grab thar's hammer Fred the Rodger's kid chose a dog over a girl! What's he thinking? This isn't some reality show." The mayor says as Fred gets out now. "Now I've dreamed of the day you'd be humiliated by my fraternity don't blow this for me." He says to Fred with a grin.

Velma was sat with a large pile of books in her lap. "I can't believe I'm here the same day as my favourite author!" Velma says excitedly as she picks up one of the books revealing it to be written by Harlan Ellison. "Do you think he's sign all my copies of his books?" She asks her mother now. 

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