39. Aliens Among Us

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I may post the first chapter to the Harley Quinn story soon to test the waters.

The gang were all gathered at their headquarters in City Hall.

"If each of the pieces reveals a location then all the pieces together should show us the treasure." Velma says as she examines the disc.  

"Jeepers, It could be a cache of diamonds." Daphne says.

"In a gold trap." Fred says.  

"Covered in hot fudge." Scooby adds.

"And, like wrapped in a burrito." Shaggy says.

"We have no way of knowing what it will be until we discover it." Y/n says slightly cautious. 

"What would be your opinion Nova?" Scooby asks the do that was currently sat in Y/n's lap. Nova of course says nothing as she stands up and scratches her ear. 

"Jinkies. Look at this gang." Velma calls out now as she gets everyone's attention. 

Y/n lifts the small dog out of his lap now as he and everyone crowd Velma. 

The disc finishes reconfiguring itself as on the screen it is connected to a name is spelled out. 

"Senor P. Llave." Daphne reads it out. 

"Like, what kind of a name is that?" Shaggy asks. 

The name changes to numbers.

"And what's the deal with the numbers?" Shaggy adds.

"They are co-ordinates." Y/n is quick to say.  

"This could be the ultimate treasure destination. We should be ready to expect anything." Fred says. 

At that moment the door to the gang's hideout is opened as the figure of Sheriff Stone quickly rushes in. 

"You have to help me!" He cries. 

"Sheriff? What's wrong?" Daphne asks. 

"We're in the middle of a full-scale galactic war and Earth is the prize!" Sheriff Stone shouts.

 The gang were all at the police department now as Sheriff Stone began to explain to them properly what he was freaking out over. 

"Recently these memoires came flooding back to me. I was 14, home alone, doing what all kids did when their mom was gone. Rifle though her drawers looking for old candy and a used lipstick container to store my baby teeth in. Don't act like you never did it." Sheriff Stone says. 

"No." Fred says.

"Never." Velma comments.

"Creepy." Shaggy says nervously. 

"Disgusting." Y/n says, 

 "Anyway, there I was late one night in the closet playing Dead Justice and pretending to fight Nitro Wisinski." Sheriff Stone says returning to his story. "When I heard something otherworldly coming from outside. And then all of a sudden this white light appeared from all around outside. I felt a presence in the room. I was paralysed, And then it came for me." 

"What came for you?" Shaggy asks worried.

"An EBE." Sheriff Stone answers.

"An EEB?" Scooby asks. 

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