48. Through The Curtain.

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We just reached 200k in reads everyone :) Thank you so much for your continued support even as this story draws to a close. 

Also quick apology if I made any mistakes in this chapter I have not had time to properly check it before release as been on Holiday and only got back today.


"Soon, soon I will be free. The time of Nibiru is nearly at hand. The planets are coming into alignment working towards my release. As are you, even though you know it not. I forged you. You are my proudest creation. So come now, children of Nibiru. Be strong and set your master free so that I may bathe this world in fire." The evil entity says from within it's Crystal prison. 

Pericles and his soldiers continued to march ahead as they forged further ahead into the depths."

"Judy." Brad suddenly says. "I have to say this dark cave is doing wonders for your complexion." 

"Really? It's so nice of you to notice. Thank you Brad." Judy says. 

"You're welcome Judy. In this light , I can barely see your multitude of wrinkles and your mouth full of decaying teeth." Brad then says. 

"Huh? That's it! Bradley!" Judy cries as she launches herself at him as he pounces on top of him and begins to hit him now. Their fighting however holds up the robots behind them and Pericles gets irritated. 

"Stop it. You two are behaving like children." Pericles says as two of the Kreigstaffa bots lift Judy off of Brad but not before she gets a good kick in knocking him down. 

"The cursed treasure is tearing us apart. I wish Cassidy were here to see you all go to pieces." Ricky says. 

" Oh, Ricky. You always lacked the stomach for greatness." Pericles comments. "Forward!" He cries as the robots begin to walk again. 

Further back was the Mystery Gang who had been watching them from a safe distance. 

"They're on the move. " Fred comments to the others as he watches them through a pair of binoculars. 

"Then it's time we move too." Y/n says as he and others start to move now. 

Shaggy takes a backpack off his back now as he takes something out of it. 

"Like, Scooby Doo old pal, this is it. The last hamburger." Shaggy says. "We've already eaten all our snacks. I was saving this for an emergency." 

"This is an emergency. That's the last hamburger." Scooby says despairingly.

Shaggy takes half of the burger now as he gives the other half to Scooby. 

"Looks like we're roughing it from here Shaggy." Scooby says.

Up ahead Pericles and others come to a stop at a large door. 

"Beautiful."  The bird says before he comments on the door's architecture.

"I'm sorry to ask, Professor Pericles but..." Brad starts to say.

"What are we waiting for?" Judy asks finishing his sentence.         

"The kinder. I know they are out there, following us. Give them a minute. They will soon understand their part in all this." Pericles says as he looks at a pocket watch now. "But they must hurry. The planets are nearly in full alignment. The time of Nibiru is almost at hand."

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