44. The Man In The Mirror

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Everyone waiting for the new Harley Quinn story to drop like

Well the good news is the first chapter is 100 percent complete at 11000 words

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Well the good news is the first chapter is 100 percent complete at 11000 words. Just awaiting on a drawing then a release day can be scheduled.

The gang were inside a empty house that Mayor Nettles had called them too. 

"Sorry to bother you so early kids but the neighbours have been calling constantly with reports if unearthly moaning, inhuman howling, bloodcurdling screams." Mayor Nettles says.

"In other words, same old, same old." Shaggy says.

"Que sera, sera." Y/n comments. 

"You can count on us Mayor Nettles." Fred says now. 

"We'll see if  there's anything mysterious going on here." Daphne adds. 

"Thanks kids." Mayor Nettles says as she gives a wave and turns to the door now. 

"Come on, come on. Let's go. Let's get this over with." Velma says quickly. 

"After we're finsihed here, we need to relocate the planispheric disc." Fred says.

"We'll do it." Scooby says.

"Good idea Scoob. Yeah, you and I will  re-hide the disc while you guys check out this scary house." Shaggy says. 

"You're out of luck Shaggy." Daphne says.

"Fred hid the disc this time and only he knows where it is." Y/n reminds him. 

"Oy, can we hurry? Please?" Velma asks now. 

"Okay lets get started!" Fred says. "But first, gang. It looks like we've got another mystery on our hands." 

Fred was downstairs in the basement with a flashlight in hand as he looked around. Sat in the basement was a mirror. Fred gets startled when he sees his own reflection in the mirror. "Yuck. Look at those creepy eyes. And that disgusting yellow hair. And the horrible tentacle around it's neck make me wanna hork." Fred says as he moves a little more closely. "Oh. It's me. Phew, that was close." Fred starts to turn away but as he does his actions in the mirror are slightly off and it gets Fred's attention as he turns back to it. He performs a few actions in front of it but this time nothing is out of place and Fred shrugs. He turns around now and his reflection changes to a sinister grin as it reaches out of the mirror and pulls Fred in. 

The gang were all stood leaning bored against the Mystery Machine as they waited for Fred. Velma was on the phone to Mayor Nettles as she explained the situation. 

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