28. Web Of The Dreamweaver.

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The story has now reached 100k in reads as well as becoming the number one ranked story in Scooby Doo. Thank you so much everyone, I hope you are all enjoying it.

It was the middle of the night, A man and his wife were asleep in their bed. The man was snoring before he began to toss and turn, His face scrunched up uncomfortably as he began to talk in his sleep. "Wait. No. How did you find me? No, No, He's after me!" The man says as his eyes suddenly open. "I gotta get out of here!" He screams as he quickly gets out of bed and runs through the bedroom door.

His actions wake up his wife now but she doesn't bother to move. "Horbert, If you're going to the bathroom put the seat down when you're finished." She says to him as she pulls the covers back over her and settles back to sleep. 

Horbert was now in his car as he crashed through the garage wall and sped away. His car soon wiped out the gate to his driveway as Horbert was sat at the wheel griping it franticly. "I have to find a way out!" He cried as he continued to drive. 

His drive soon brought him to the main road of Crystal Cove as he continued to erratically drive. "After all these years, I can't let him get me." Horbert begins to speed up now as his car is set on a path with the Crystal Cove bank. "What? No, No. No!" Horbert cries as he throws himself from his car just in time, The car however flies straight into the bank before it explodes in a fiery mess. Horbert gasps as he looks up at the damage. "No, not you! I...I thought you were gone!" Horbert cries horrified. 

The  front door to Shaggy's house opens and Marcie starts walking out followed by Velma.

"Marcie, I'm sorry." Velma says taking a hold of Marcie's shoulder. "I fought for you to stay." 

Marcie was about to say something when she and Velma can see Y/n walking down the pathway and he stops in front of the two quickly sensing the tension.

"So, they voted you out." Y/n says.

"I knew things were temporary. It's just I never had a friend before and I was kinda hoping you would put our friendship before Mystery Incorporated. But I guess not..." Marcie says sounding hurt as she turns around.

"Marcie." Y/n says and she looks at him. "You were voted out in order to keep you safe." Y/n says before he walks past the two and inside.

Y/n slowly walks into the kitchen where he can see the rest of Mystery Inc sat looking despondent around Shaggy's table while he and Scooby were eating. 

"I see you decided to let Marcie go." Y/n says and the gang notice him now. 

"Yeah it wasn't easy..." Fred sighs.

"It's for the best." Y/n says leaning against one of the kitchen counters. "Things are only going to get more and more dangerous from here. The less people we involve, the better." Y/n says closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

"So where have you been this morning Y/n?" Fred asks him.

"Seeing a therapist." Y/n says not opening his eyes.  

 "Huh?" The others say surprised.

"What a Hair repist?" Scooby says.

"A therapist Scooby,  is someone who listens to people's problems and tries to help them through them." Y/n explains. 

"Your seeing a therapist?" Daphne asks him.

"Is that a problem?" Y/n asks her opening one of his eyes. 

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