21. A Haunting in Crystal Cove.

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Thank you everyone for the lovely feedback you gave last week, The truth is I had been wondering if the story really was worth continuing for a while, but with how many of you wrote in to express how much you were enjoying it I knew I couldn't give up. So thank you all once again. 

I am once again going to say I am still desperately looking for an artist for the story so if anyone if anyone at all is interested please let me know!! 

Also this seemed to be everyone after the last chapter.

Also this seemed to be everyone after the last chapter

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It's the middle of the night at the Jones estate. Fred was fast asleep in bed snoring, in his hands was a traps illustrated magazine. "Pitfall...rat trap...bear trap..." Fred says talking in his sleep.

On the other side of the house was Mayor Jones's room.  Unlike Fred he was awake as he studied an item in his hands. It was in fact a piece of disc similar to the one that the Mystery gang had found recently. A large lion's head hung on a trophy plaque over mayor Jones's bed. He puts his hand on it and pushes moving the plaque away revealing it to be housing a safe behind it. Mayor Jones puts in the code and opens the safe door, He looks at the disk piece in his hand for a moment before he puts it away in the safe locking it. Just as he closes the trophy plaque over the safe the door to his room opens slightly getting the mayor's attention. 

"Huh? Hello? Is someone there?" He says pulling his blanket up to his knees. "Oh, cart wheeling kitchen camels, Fred. If you've snuck in here again to conserve body heat by lying across my legs..." Mayor Jones says but the bedroom door opens fully now with no one behind it and a ghostly chuckle can be heard. Mayor Jones shivers as he grabs his blanket fearfully. "Fred?" He asks hoping it is him. His bed suddenly begins to levitate now however as it rocks up and down before kicking Mayor Jones out of it. As he picks himself off the floor a ghostly figure now appears in his room and the mayor yelps.  "You. No, not again!" He says as the figure gets closer and Mayor Jones lets out a scream now. 

Fred wake up in his bed half asleep. "Santa? Wait, no Dad!" He says fully awake now as he rushes out of his bed, Fred rushes out his room and into the hallway but he quickly ends up running into his dad as the two get knocked on the floor in the progress. 

"I've gotta get out of here! Let me go!" Mayor Jones shouts as he gets up and runs down the down the stairs now. 

"But Dad what happened?" Fred asks but he never gets an answer as Mayor Jones runs away. Fred can hear the ghostly chuckle himself now as he turns around to see his father bedroom door shut.

It's the next day and the gang are at school. Daphne's body leaned against Y/n's own as his hand lay idle on her waist, The six were walked through the school hallways as Y/n looked up to see several of the male students giving him glares as they past but he just brushes them off.  

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