19. The Menace of Manticore

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It was night time at the the Creepy Spooky Terror Land amusement park. A single man is on a rollercoaster in an otherwise deserted amusement park. A young teen couple both in casts walk through the gates to the park now. 

"Dylan, are you sure it's a good idea to go to an amusement park after just getting out of the hospital? I mean we were kidnapped and manhandled by a really mean man-crab.." The girl says.

 "I believe it's "crab-handled" not manhandled. And it was all bogus remember? They caught the guy. Creepy Spooky Terror Land is totally safe. Besides, attendance is so bad tickets are cheap." Dylan says as he and the girl approach a ride where an attendant sits at a operating panel for it. 

"Hey, hey. Ride the Nauseator. No waiting. Ever." The employee says in a monotone voice not even bothering to look up at the two and they make their way onto the ride. As soon as they sit down the employee lazily presses the button and two metal bars abruptly come down over the two but not fully locking them in place. 

"Hey, this thing is pretty loo.." The girl starts to say but the employee presses a button and the ride immediately launches upwards with the man and girl screaming before it stops abruptly near the top.

"Oh, my sternum." The girl groans. 

"Look at that view Brenda, You can see all of Crystal Cove from here." Dylan says. 

"You're right. From up here, it doesn't look like such a scary place to live and maybe everything will turn out alright for us" Brenda says as she turns to Dylan.

"Oh Brenda..." Dylan says. 

"Dylan..." She replies and the two lean in and attempt to the kiss but the ride restricts them from doing so. 

"Let's table our emotional embrace." Dylan says. 

"Totes. At least we're together and safe." Brenda says but a monster can be heard growling now and it gets the attention of the two before they see the large monster flying towards them and then around the ride as they scream. The monster lands on the ride's structure and rips off the seats that they sat in as it flies off carrying them. 

"These grounds are now the domain of the manticore." The beast says.

It was late at the Destroido headquarters and a figure dismounts a motorcycle on the outskirts of it. As they take their helmet off they are revealed to be Angel Dynamite. She climbs into a nearby drainage tunnel, Angel then sneaks past guard using a catwalk high above, She jumps down and carefully rounds a corner avoiding camera's. She reaches a long hallway now and a large laser defence system kicks into life blocking her path. Angel narrows her eyes before she begins to run before using acrobatics to fly through the lasers without setting a single one off. as she reaches the however a glass tube surrounds here blocking her from going any further and door to the side opens. The CEO of Destroido Ed Machine appears now and Angel looks at him. 

"If I'd known this was all it'd take to get your attention I'd just rung the bell. I want to see Mr E, now." She demands. 

Ed takes out a button now and presses it as the glass tube disappears. Angel walks past him through the door and Ed follows behind her and the door shuts behind the two.

Ed and Angel walk into Mr E's hideaway, It was beneath the ocean with thick glass looking out to the water, Sat in a large chair in the centre of room was Mr E surrounded by dozens of monitors.

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