40. The Horrible Herd.

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It was late a night on a farm as the farmer and his wife sat on the porch to their home. 

"How's the lemonade?" The wife asks but he doesn't reply. "Honey, the lemonade?"

"Oh what do you want me to say? Tastes like lemonade. Why you always sniffing around for validation? I'm drinking it ain't I?" The farmer says grumpily and his wife just huffs with his behaviour. 

"Shh." The farmer suddenly says.

"Don't you shush me. I was..."

"No. Shh! Something's out there." The farmer says now and the two stop to listen where they can hear the sound of faint mooing. 

"Sounds like the cows are restless." The wife comments.

"Martha, we ain't run cattle on this farm for 25 years." The farmer says as he picks up a nearby flashlight and turns it on. He scans around the farm but soon the torch light comes to a stop on a large herd of hideous cattle like creatures that growl. "Either your sister just showed up or these are the ugliest looking cows I ever see."

"It's some kind of horror herd!" The wife cries as she and the farmer look to the the herd that stretches back further than the farm. 

The herd growls again as the begin to charge towards the farm. The farmer is quick to act as he picks up his wife. "Run!" The cattle spreads out around the farm as they strangely begin to teardown and eat the buildings.  

The farmer and his wife were climbing up the farms only remaining structure. A corn silo. "Climb Martha. Climb for your life." The farmer calls out as he and his wife look down to see the cattle approaching. 

"Here you go, This is the last plate of our world famous Floor scraps from the grave. Enjoy." A waitress at the Bloody Steak says as she sets down a tray of left over food in front of Scooby and Nova. 

Scooby nudges the try towards Nova now. "Here, Nova my love, I want you to have the first bite." Scooby says. Needing no encouragement Nova begins to eat  and Scooby just giggles. "I just love the way you eat." 

Sat in another booth nearby were the rest of the Mystery Gang. Daphne just sighed as she watched Scooby and Nova while the rest were looking at the pistol they had recently found.

"So, like I don't understand. The Planispheric disc led us to dig up this crazy old flintlock. Does that mean this is the treasure?" Shaggy asks. 

"No. This flintlock does have some value as a antique amongst collectors but if the cursed treasure of Crystal Cove is supposed to be immense...beyond all imagining." Y/n says. 

"Like Love." Daphne sighs in her daydream. 

"Here's your cheese Platter of the Forever Undead. It's all they had left." The Bloody Steak's waitress says as she sets down a platter of cheese down on the the table. Daphne snaps out of her daydream now as she sniffs a little of the cheese.

"Excuse me, but this Port Salut Affine is not from Brittany. And this Cotswold Double Gloucester is well past it's prime." Daphne complains. 

"Sorry, but we're out of food. In face we're down to selling food form the dumpsters of other restaurants." The Waitress says. 

"What? Why?" Velma asks. 

"Another of the local farms has been mysteriously destroyed. The fifth this week. It's really messing with our food deliveries." The waitress says as she leaves the table. 

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