42. The Devouring

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It's late and a studio audience can be heard clapping and cheering on the screen as their host came onto the set. 

"Well, howdy y'all. It is such a pleasure cooking in front of a live studio audience her in beautiful Crystal Cove. Today, we'll be cooking up a batch of goodness I call, Farncilee Jackson's double dipped bacon and butter breaded croissant snack. Now a lot of you folks been asking if I worry  my recipes aren't the healthiest. All I gotta say is, I ain't no doctor Y'all." She jokes and the audience laughs. "Now while that's simmering, we'll start prepping my desert. I call it Francilee Jackson's bacon bread pie." As she says as she begins to mix igredients in a bowl but as she does a pan on the stove begins to boil over in a green smoke. "Uh-oh. Now, don't worry y'all. If this happens at home just throw in another bacon butter." Francilee says as she adds something to the pot but soon it begins to rise up as everyone screams as the sound of roaring can be heard and Francilee backs away slightly. The green liquid boils away now revealing a large demonic looking pig. "No. No. Get back!" Francillee cries. The large creature climbs down from the stove as it's mouth extends and it swallow's Francilee whole. The camera cuts out now as on the screen appear the words 'Experiencing Technical Difficulties' 

Watching the screen had been Dr Rick Spartan and Cachinga. 

"Danger Cachinga, ready your spear." Dr Spartan says as he gets up. "This is a job for RIck Spartan, academic of adventure."

"Oh joy, A road trip." Cachinga says. 

 Pericles was sat on a computer in the Destroido labs as he tried to access it, however he was left both surprised and irritated when he was denied. He curses in German,

Ricky was sat in the Mr E hideout looking at a photo of Cassidy on his monitor when Perciles flew in crying out his name angrily. "Ricky?" Ricky clicked of the photo as he turns around to see Pericles. "Ricky, what have you done? I've been locked out of the system." 

"I know. I did it on purpose. You're out of control Pericles and I'm putting a stop to it." Ricky says standing up. "I'm in charge. I built Destroido from the ground up while you were cooling your beak in prison, It's time that I.." 

But Ricky is cut off by Pericles hitting him in the face.  "You are in charge of nothing, Ricky Owens. You have never been anything other than an idiotic human mascot. A shoulder for me to perch upon." Pericles says cruelly to him. 

It was the next day and the gang were all at Shaggy's house. Scooby was laid up in bed.

"Come on Scooby old buddy. I'm worried about you." Shaggy says as he holds a bowl of hot soup. "You only had three breakfasts and two lunches. You gotta eat pal." 

"I don't feel good Shaggy, I'm scared." Scooby says as he pulls the covers close to him. "Nova sat up. She sat up in her hospital bed and spoke! She said "Nibiru. Nibiru is coming." It's too much. It's too much." 

"It is definitely something. Nova doesn't speak. Ever." Fred says but as he does Daphne looks over to a photo of Scooby and Nova together in a heart shaped frame. 

"The more I research this Nibiru, the less I think I know." Velma says holding up a book now. "I borrowed this from my mother hoping it would help."

"Supernatural curse and the Extra-Dimensional Forces Behind them." Y/n says reading out the title. 

"You think maybe Nova is cursed?" Shaggy asks.

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