3. The Creeping Creatures

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Important vote at the end :) 

A family car is slowly driving down the streets in a desolate town. They pass a board that reads "Welcome to Gatorsburg." The original population number has been crossed out and replaced with a single number of 3. Sat inside of the car a husband and wife with their daughter sat in the back reading a map.

"Are you sure this is New York City?" The wife asks.

"Yeah, absolutely. Now, if I'm not mistaken, this here is, uh, Broadway." The husband says not wanting to admit they were lost.  "What's that street sign say?" He asks his wife.

"Gator Avenue." She replies unimpressed with the empty and run down town.

"Hmm. I wonder how far Gator Avenue is from Broadway." The husband says.

"According to this map, 2,000 miles." The daughter says from the backseat.

"Well, in that case we're going to need to fill up the tank." The Husband nervously chuckles. He pulls the car up at what appears to be an old gas station and he gets out of the car. "Hello? Hello, anybody there? Hello?" He calls out but gets no response and he leave his door open as he goes to look for somebody. 

A small dog inside the car growls and jumps out the car running off.

"Puddles!" The young girl in the car cries. "Come back!" She calls as she get out the car and chases after her dog. Just as the girl reaches the dog it dives into some bushes. 

"Puddles?" The girl asks and she cautiously reaches her hand into the bushes to try get her dog. 

A pair of glowing red eyes and sharp teeth appear in front of her and it lets out a low growl. Before it snaps at the girl trying to bite her.

The girls parent's look round as they hear their daughter scream and see her running towards the car. "Gator man!" She cries and runs into the car slamming her door behind her.

"Oh, sweetie, there's no such thing as..." Her dad begins to say.

A large gator looking creature now jumps out of the bushes frightening the father.

"Gator man!" He screams and the Gator creature begins growling at him. The father rushes into the car and closes the door behind him as the creature slams it's  hand against it. A second gator creature now appears on the hood of the car and the family all scream. The father slams on the accelerator and the car begins to move shaking off the gator creatures but managing to hit the car into a nearby wooden post which shakes some of the luggage of the roof of the car. As the car is stopped the dog from earlier runs up to the car. 

"Puddles!" The little girl cries and she opens her door and Puddles the dog jumps in. Waiting no longer the father slams the accelerator again and the car takes off leaving Gatorsburg behind. 

The Gator creatures slink back into the bushes.

It's a drab and depressing day in Crystal Cove as dark storm clouds hang overhead and rain falls down over the town. Everybody was hanging out at Fred's place. Y/n however was not around as he had wanted to finish setting his new place up. Velma, Shaggy, Scooby and Daphne were sat down looking bored while Fred was setting up a trap in the background.

"Oh, I am so bored. We haven't had a good mystery in I don't know when!" Velma sighs.

Daphne sighs now too. "Fred, I think I've read every magazine in your house." Daphne puts down the magazine she had been reading and then notices a different one that has fallen between the couch cushions. "Hm? What's that?" She says picking it up.

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