24. All Fear The Freak.

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It's 20 years ago and the original Mystery Incorporated were in the Crystal Cove caves below the old Spanish church. 

"Are you sure this is the way?" Judy asks.

"My calculations don't lie." Professor Pericles replies. "Why are we stopping?" He asks as all the teens stop.

"Because of that." Brad says as he points to a chest a top a pile of bones. 

"The Planispheric disc." Professor Pericles says looking up at the chest. The teens all carefully make their way over to the pile of skull and bones. 

Cassidy adjusts her glasses as she looks up at the chest now and she moves to walk forward, As she does however Pericles pulls her back by her hair slightly.  "Ow, What gives bird?" She asks him.  

"I was trying to save your life." Pericles says as he points out a wire that Cassidy had almost set off. He pulls down on it slightly and a bunch of spears shoot upwards out piles of bones. 

"Ding-dong, Daddy-o! Booby trapped!" Ricky says nervously.

"Judy, If I may borrow your locket?" Pericles asks.

Judy takes off her locket now as she passes it to Pericles. He flies up and grasps it in his claws. He then flies up to the chest and uses both the locket and chain to lift the lock on the chest and open it.  Pericles flies down into the chest but is left looking frustrated. The teens slowly and carefully make their way over to him. They look inside the chest to see their is a single disc piece. 

"I don't understand. There are six pieces. Where are the other five?" Pericles asks.

"Maybe they're underneath?" Judy suggests as she picks up the piece now but as she does a mechanism in the chest activates and the caves begin to rumble and water begins to pour in. 

"A second booby trap! Run!" Cassidy says. 

The group begin to flee but as they do spears begin to fly around the room in all directions. One of them knocks Judy's locket out of Pericles grasp now as it falls into the waters below. The group continue to flee as more traps are set off. The exit is just up ahead as they make their way through it with rocks falling behind them. Luckily everyone is safe however. Now out of danger Judy looks at the disc piece she had picked up from the chest until Pericles takes it from her grasp. "Good job, Judy. Now all we need is the other five pieces, and the treasure is..."

"Mine." A raspy voice interrupts Pericles as the group fearfully look to see the Freak of Crystal Cove sat on a rock above them. 

"You..." Pericles says.

It's late at night and Velma was in her room typing on her computer. Her mom opened the door to her room now.  "Velma, it's late, enough typing. I thought for a second our poltergeist was back." 

"Sorry Mom, just finishing blogging." Velma says to her mom but as she leaves the room Velma loads up an email and types out the word "Midnight" before sending it to the members of Mystery Inc.

Scooby and Shaggy were sat in their room when the email came through and they gave each other a thumbs up. 

Daphne was looking at her phone when she gets the email and immediately she gets of bed to get changed.

Y/n was sat in an armchair at home having a small drink when his phone went off. He took out reading the email before he finished his drink and put the glass down. "Time to get to work." He says to himself.

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