37. Wrath of Krampus.

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It's late at night and a teen was walking through the neighbourhood  streets with music blasting from a stereo on his shoulders. The residents closed their windows and blinds with annoyance.

"Yeah that's right! Eat my loud jams." The teen cries before he kicks over a pair of garbage cans that roll onto the road nearly hitting an elderly pedestrian.

"What are you looking at, oldie." The teen rudely says. The elder opens her to say something back but the teen doesn't let her. 

"What's that? I'm sorry. I can't hear you, because you're old!" The teen says as he turns his music up louder and walks off. As he continues to walk down the street however his radio begins to switch between stations as the music stops. 

"Krampus thinks you need to respect your elders." A voice calls out as the street lights begin to go out one by one. "Other peoples property, and their right to a quiet night!" The voice says as a large horned figure lands beneath the last street light to go out. 

"Huh. Krampus? Wy don't you just call yourself Dorkus or Lame-us?" The teen says. 

The figure known as Krampus just roars in the face of the teen now as their hair turns white from fright and they can't move. 

 Fred was in his room humming as he placed the three Planispheric disc pieces into a briefcase.  Stood in the doorway were Brad and Judy.

"Hey there son." Brad says getting Fred's attention.

"What are you doing dear?" Judy asks?

"Yeah, what's in the..." Brad starts

"Briefcase?" Judy finishes.

"Glad you asked." Fred says as he closes the briefcase and he handcuffs it to his wrists. "Mom, Dad, I've got something important to say. Since you've come back into my life, I've finally feel for the first time ever that I can trust adults." Fred says. 

"Oh Fred." Judy says. 

"We're glad you feel that way son." Brad says.

"Because of that, if anything should happen to me or the gang..." Fred gets up now. "I want you to have what's in this briefcase." Fred says.

"We could take it right now." Judy suggests. 

"Oh, no. That's okay. I'm going to put it in the Mystery Machine so I can keep a close eye on it." Fred says as he walks to Brad and Judy now. "The gang and I are checking out some weird goat guy who's terrorizing kids. You know duty. It calls." Fred says. "It's so great having you both in my life again." Fred says as he hugs both Brad and Judy now. before he turns and walks out the room. 

"Keep your trip wire taut." Judy says. 

"And your tensile line strong." Brad adds and Fred gives a wave as he leaves. 

As soon as Fred is gone Brad opens his phone and dials a number. 

"Ricky it's Brad." 

"And Judy."

"Go ahead you two." Ricky replies. 

"Tell Professor Pericles the rest of the planispheric disc..." Judy starts.

"Is ours for the taking." Brad finishes.

The gang were in the Mystery Machine as Fred drove along the cliffside road. 

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