5. Revenge of the Man Crab

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Merry Christmas! Here's some Christmas Y/n

Merry Christmas! Here's some Christmas Y/n

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It's late at night on the  Crystal Cove State Beach. A man finishes tying a volleyball net up, while his girlfriend is leaning against a pole, bored.

"That's the last net, can we go home now Dylan?" The girl asks.

"Come on, Brenda. I promised the Trickell's Trickquid people we'd do a good job setting up for the tournament." Dylan says.

"Ugh, I'm bored and sweaty, I hate manual labor. I can't wait for a time when robots do everything for us." Brenda complains. 

"Here, I brought some water..." Dylan says holding out a bottle for her.

"Ew! I don't want any of that fatty fat water. I want Trickell's Trickquid!" Brenda says.

"Trickell's Trickquid is water." Dylan tells her.

"Ugh, no. It's 100% diet moisture. You want me to look good in my bathing suit, don't you?" Brenda asks.

"Man, you are in a crabby mood..." Dylan says rolling his eyes and turning around.

"Please, you wanna see crabby? I'll show you a crabby mood-" Brenda says but she's cut off by a giant man crab jumping out of the sand. She starts screaming before she is grabbed by the crab as it sinks back into the sand. Only it's claw is left above the sand with the claw holding her upside down.

"Please, Brend, where'd you get that- Giant Fake Crab Parts Emporium?" Dylan asks as he turns around.

Brenda is dragged across the beach. "It- It's real!! Help me!!" She cries as the claw begins to pull her under the sand and she desperately claws as the sand trying to pulls herself out.  

"Haha, nice try, what'd you do? Dig a big hole under the sand?" Dylan asks still not believing her.

"Dylan!!!" Brenda screams and with that she's gone, dragged under the sand while Dylan thinks it was all an act.

"Bravo. I'll bite. You got an air tank under there?" He asks but gets no reply. ".... Brenda? C'mon, stop joking... Brend?"

The man crab appears bursting out of the sand again, scaring Dylan while screeching. 

It's Daytime at the beach now and being hosted is the Crystal Cove girls volleyball tournament.

"This is K-Ghoul's Angel Dynamite, live from the Crystal Cove girls volleyball tournament. Sponsored by Trickell's Trickquid. What Mother Nature drinks when she doesn't wanna look fat." She says over the event's PA system. She waves to the gang who were stood near some set up bleachers and they wave back.

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