34. Night Terrors.

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The wind whistled in the cold snowstorm that had covered the mountains with thick blankets of fresh white snow. A car was travelling down the snowy mountain pass road. Sat inside was a man driving along the ride with his wife and daughter as well their pet dog.  The road soon came to a fork that split off in two directions, one that goes left and the other that goes right. The car goes down the right as the car begins to climb a spiralling hill until finally it reaches the top. On top the hill sat a large lonely mansion. The car slows to a stop outside now as the husband, wife and daughter all get out.

"Well, here we family. The Burlington Library." The husband says as they all look up at the large mansion. "Oh, this is going to be the greatest vacation ever."

""Where have I heard that before?" The daughter says dryly as the three slowly walk up the steps to the large doors now as they enter the mansion. 

Inside the mansion it is dimly lit with only a fireplace providing the room with any sort of light or warmth. 

"Come on How exciting is it we're spending our entire winter vacation at some old, dead rich guys library, Learning is awesome." The dad says now as he closes the door behind him. 

"Learning is lame." The daughter says unimpressed. 

A cloaked figure appears now from beside the fireplace as the family stop on the spot noticing them, The figure doesn't say a word as they slowly stop in front of the family. 

"Hi there, Hope you don't mind we just kind of let ourselves in." The husband says. 

The figure removes it's hood revealing it to be a masking resembling the Egyptian god Anubis. The family gasp but suddenly the figure begins to contort as it transforms into a large wolf like creature with sharp teeth and claws. It growls at the family who scream now. 

"Learning isn't lame, It's evil!" The daughter cries as she and her parents rush to the front door now and the large wolf chases them out of the house. As it reaches the door frame the family were already in the car with the husband putting his foot down, The wheels spins and the tires screech but soon the car is quickly flying along the road and away from the lonely mansion. In a high window watching the car as it leaves is the Anibus figure. 

The Mystery Machine was on the snowy road as everyone was dressed in winter clothes.

"After everything we've been through lately gang this ski vacation is just the thing we need." Fred says excited.

"Like, Scoob and I aren't as crazy about the slopes as wea re about hitting the massive all you can eat fondue bar." Shaggy says.

"Fondooby dooby doo!" Scooby says licking his lips and he and Shaggy laugh.

Velma was sat in the front looking at a map. "Take the left fork. The right is a dead end." She says to Fred but as she does a loud rumbling occurs and everyone can see an avalanche up ahead occurring. Fred quickly slams his foot down on the brakes as the Mystery Machine grinds to a halt just in front of the large mound of snow now covering the left fork in the road. 

"I don't know Velm, that left fork seems pretty dead too." Daphne says now.

Fred tries to reverse the Mystery Machine now but a loud unnatural noise comes out of the van. 

"That doesn't sound very good." Y/n says with his brow furrowing.

"No, It doesn't." Fred says a little worried as he gets out now and so do the others.

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