4. The Secret of the Ghost Rig

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It was a close battle but the both with an extra character option wins! 

The extra character is Dusk from the Hex girls because I love her character and had a lot of fun writing dialogue between her and Y/n. 


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It was late at night in Crystal Cove. A young teen was pulled up at the side of the road as an officer dismounted his patrol bike slowly making his way to the teenage drivers car.

"You realize you were speeding?" The officer asks as he reaches the car.

"Y-yes, I do, Officer." The young driver nervously says.

"Okay, as long as you know. On you're way then and Drive saf..." The Officer says but a truck blaring it's horn speeds past the officer and teen frightening them both. 

The officer rushes back to his bike turning on his sirens as he chases after the truck.  

"Alright pull over you!" The officer calls out as he catches up to the truck. Now up close with the truck the officer looks nervous as he looks up to the drivers seat but seeing no driver.

 Now up close with the truck the officer looks nervous as he looks up to the drivers seat but seeing no driver

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"E..Excuse me! Are you aware y..you're speeding..." The officer stutters before the truck rams into his bike and knocking him off of it. The officer screams as his bike gets plunged into the water below as he hangs onto a branch to keep himself from falling in as well. He watches in fear as the truck disappears into the fog with a ghostly howl.

The gang minus Daphne were all at city hall after Fred had called them all up asking for help. Daphne was unable to come as her parents had said they wanted to talk to her. 

"Thanks for coming along gang! I really need the support. It's never a good thing when my dad asks to meet at his office." Fred says thankful.

"Like dude no problemo." Shaggy says.

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