10. Battle of the Humungonauts

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Some of you might be unaware but I asked a question recently regarding the relationships between the reader as I have had no opportunity to write Dialogue for Velma that feels good enough but what I can do is fix Velma and Shaggy's relationship along with Scooby and then focus on Y/n and Daphne which could then be more flushed out and in depth. While maybe having Dusk still worked in if people still really like her. 

So here's the vote.

Keep it as Daphne, Velma and Dusk.

Have Y/n focus on just Daphne and fix Shaggy and Velma's relationship.

Have just Y/n and Daphne. Fix Shaggy and Velma's relationship. And have Dusk.     

Your feedback helps but I can't please everyone as a writer and some thing even I can struggle with writing, Besides I've been wanting to do a single romance interest for a while. But the vote remains with you readers.   

After MANUALLY counting the votes the: Have just Y/n and Daphne. Fix Shaggy and Velma's relationship. And have Dusk.  WINS

It was night time at a new establishment in Crystal Cove called the Tiki Tub. The place was busy as a live band played on a small stage and a singer took to the stage.

♫ If my lips could only say the pretty words that I feel in my heart.♫

♫If my voice could make the sound I would tell you how I love you and We'd never be apart.♫ 

♫ But with just one look into your face, My mind starts to drift right into space and the words get stuck in my throat. The words get stuck in my throat. ♫

Sat in the crowd watching where Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones.

"You know I got to hand it to you mayor, Crystal Cove really needed a trendy hot spot like the Tiki Tub and you delivered. The local hep cats are going to dig this crazy joint." Sheriff Stone says. 

"Just one more check on the to do list that will turn Crystal Cove into the cultural/paranormal centre of the world. And let me congratulate you Sheriff on how quiet things have been around town. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, A quiet town is place where people like to spend money." Mayor Jones says just as the singers performance comes to to a finish and the audience claps for her.

"Thank you, Thank you everybody." She says but as she does the audience gasps and starts to point behind her as the silhouette of something large and tall appears. It pounds it's chest giving out a mighty roar as a light shines on it now.

The Patrons of the Tiki Tub begin to run as the giant creature begins to attack the place wrecking it and causing it's main structure to collapse before it flees into the night. 

"I sure hope you got insurance mayor." Sheriff Stone starts. "Because I want to see that again!!" He adds and the Mayor looks unimpressed as he helps the out the singer from earlier who had passed out in the commotion. "Encore! Encore!" The Sheriff cries. 

"Raggy? Raggy?" Scooby Doo called out trying to find Shaggy around the house. 

"Folks." A voice on a nearby tv says and Scooby looks at it. " Are you worried about terrible things happening to you and the ones you love? And not being able to pay for them? The call Max Minner insurance agency." 

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