27. The Night The Clown Cried II: Tears of Doom

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Fred was laid down on a couch as a man was sat in a chair nearby was writing down notes

"The higher carbon content reduces weldablity but makes up for it in amazing tensile strength." Fred says.

"Ahem. Fred If I may, I have about 42 pages on traps here in my notes, and that's just from this session." The man says.

"Sweet." Fred says impressed with himself.

"Let's do a little word-disassociation therapy. I'm going to say a word and you tell it's opposite. Ready? Traps."

"Y/n." Fred says.

"Y/n." The therapist says

"Daphne." Fred says.

"Traps, Traps, Traps, Traps."

"Y/n, Daphne, Daphne, Y/n!" Fred says disturbed now.

"I'm sensing you want to talk about Y/n and Daphne." The therapist says.

"I just want them to get back together doc. But they won't even talk to one another." Fred sighs.

 The sound of alarm buzzing goes off now.

"Oh well would you look at that, sessions over. pity." The therapist says.

"But what do I do about Y/n and Daphne? We haven't even started don the topic of my dad." Fred says.

"I'm sorry Fred, Your health care plan doesn't allow me to speak after the buzzer." The man says as he ushers Fred out now. With Fred gone now he lets out a sigh of relief. The relief however is short lived at the lights to the room go out. The therapist looks around the room but suddenly Crybaby Clown jumps through the open window and the therapist gasps.

"Who....Who ...What are you?" He asks. 

"Dr Henklefust. I'm so sad. Can you help me? I'd like to try a little aggression therapy. And it goes like this." Crybaby Clown says as he takes bottle bomb off of his sash like belt and he throws it on the ground. The bottle explodes releasing a pink like smoke that surrounds Dr Henklefust freezing him a cocoon that looks like cotton candy. Crybaby Clown giggles as he picks the man up now and escapes through the window he came through.

Fred was still in the building as he looked at a picture of a boat with a large fishing net attached to it. "I know. I just have to prove to Daphne that Y/n is back for good, And I know exactly how." Fred says as he rushes back to Dr Henklefust's office. "Doc I think I've had a break through.,." He says but as he opens the door all he can see is the cotton candy like substance and an empty office. "Dr Henklefust?"

It's late and night and Daphne was sat at her mirror brushing her hair as she got ready for bed. She turns off the light as she pulls back the covers and gets into bed now closing her eyes.

The sounds of waves disturb Daphne's sleep as she slowly opens her eyes. She quickly gasps as the view in front of her is the ocean as both her bed and herself had been moved to the beach. She looks up to see her bed attached to a crane. 

Fred gets out of the crane now as he look impressed with himself.

"Fred!?" Daphne says shocked and confused. 

"Surprised?" Fred asks her. 

"What are you doing?" Daphne asks him as she pulls her covers up now. 

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