29. The Hodag of Horror.

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It was night time in Crystal Cove as some of town's residents were out enjoying the night atmosphere. Among them were Shaggy and Scooby who were exiting an Ice cream parlour with an absurd amount of food which they consumed within seconds.

The sound of music gets Shaggy's and the other citizen's attention now however and they turn their heads to see a large curio trailer making it's way down the main street. It stops on the main street as the trailer begins to unfold into a stage filled lights and a sign that reads. "The travelling cabinet of curiosities." It doesn't take long for the townsfolk to become interested as they begin to gather around chattering.  

A man in a red suit with a cane appears on the stage now. "The long wait is over. I, Gene Shepherd, deliver unto your waiting, hungry minds my vey own Travelling Cabinet of Curiosities. Enter and be amazed!" He says to the gathered audience. A door opens on the side of the trailer and the crowd begins to shuffle inside with Scooby and Shaggy following them in.  

Inside the trailer is a wide variety of bizarre array of items that the townsfolk were all looking at. Scooby and Shaggy looked at one of the exhibits.

"Like, I don't know about you Scooby Doo, but I feel like I'm walking through one of my nightmares." Shaggy laughs nervously. 

"Any and all of you good citizens that suffer frim neurological disorders of any kind must leave immediately. " Mr Shepard's voice can be heard saying and the crowd begin to gather around him as he stands beside a box covered in a robe. Shaggy and Scooby slowly make their way over now. "Straight from the primitive wilds of Wisconsin that exotic land of caftans and cheese. I give you...The Hodag of Horror!" Mr Shepard cries as he pulls the robe of the box and behind it is a rather fake looking stuffed creature and the crowd murmurs in disappointment. 

"Like Hold on." Shaggy says now. "That has to be the fakest looking monster I have ever seen." Shaggy continues and Scooby looks at it more closely now. 

"I knew it was fake all the time." Scooby says.

"Come on Scoob. Let's get out of here." Shaggy chuckles. "This place is a rip off."

"Uh...But we didn't pay to get in here." Scooby reminds him as the two start to walk away and crowd also disperses. 

"Oh Yeah." Shaggy giggles.  

It's late now and one of Daphne's sisters was sat at a mirror in her bedroom brushing her hair. The sound of a bell ringing is heard but the girl sat at the mirror doesn't seem to take any notice of it. The sound of a creature growling behind her however does get her attention. She stops brushing her hair now putting down her brush as she turns around. The sound of growling can be heard as she looks towards her bed. As she looks at it a pair of glowing yellow eyes open and the creature on it stands up growling as it launches itself at her and she screams. 

It was the next day and everyone was sat in the living room at Fred's home.

"Fred, I know it must be something of a shock for you to have your parents back." Fred's real father Brad says sat down in one of the chairs while his wife, Fred's mother Judy sits on the chairs arm beside him. 

"Your real parents." Fred's mom says.

"Thanks Judy." Fred's dad days.

"You're welcome Brad." She replies.

"So we'd like to throw the floor open to any questions you might have. Anything at all." Brad says to Fred now. 

"Well..." Fred starts. "There is one thing. Why? Why did you stay away for so long? Why didn't you come back for me?" Fred asks them. 

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