9. The Grasp of the Gnome

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It was the middle of the Crystal Cove Renaissance faire. People were all dressed up as they celebrated. There were plenty of performers to keep the crowds entertained ranging from belly dancers to fire breathers. 

One girl was watching a performance as until she felt a hand suddenly appear on her shoulder. She gasped and turned around only to see her friend. Unlike the majority of fair goers however he was dressed like a pirate and was eager to show off his costume. 

"So what do you think?" He asked his friend. 

"I still don't get why some people insist on dressing up like pirates at a faire for knights." She says unimpressed. 

"Because knights are boring! They're so "Milord this" and "Milady that." "Joust me!" Pirates, on the other hand are awesome." He says back to his friend still trying to change her mind. "Ugh I got to fix these." He says referring to is pants that were lose and needed a belt. "I'll be back in a second." He says leaving his friend and walking down a secluded alley for some privacy as he tried to fix his belt. As he was doing so a silhouette appeared on a wall behind him and he could hear a low chuckle. "Hmm? Hello?" The man called out looking around. As he turned around he gave out a frightened scream as now in front of him was a creepy looking gnome with hands glowing bright blue. The gnome edges closer towards him and then man trips over a barrel as he attempts to back away before he screams. 

"I could knit you a sash in the time you are taking." HIs friend says sounding annoyed as she walks into the secluded alleyway but she gasps when she sees the gnome that has a hold of her friend. The gnome laughs and acrobats of a wall disappearing into the night. The girl now screams in horror as she sees her friend on the ground, His vein's glowed blue like the Gnome's hands had earlier and his face had a frozen look of terror. 

"I, lord Barry, welcome thee to the royal knights faire." A man stood at the entrance said to a large crowd as they passed through the gates to the fair but he noticed the last few guests entering were dressed like pirates and he groaned. "More filthy Pirates? Go hang out at a Seafood restaurant." He says to himself annoyed. 

Meanwhile a court jester was preforming in front of the Queen of the faire. 

"Lord Barry's got to relax about letting pirates mix with the knights and damsels.I told him not to worry about the historical inaccuracies." The jester says to the queen. "More people, More money." He adds only to be hit a staff.

"Quiet fool." The queen starts as the Jester rubs his head where she hit him. "All faire should be kept historically untainted. Otherwise who knows what sort of shambling low-lives will arrive." 

"Peg-Leg Shaggy says, arr shiver me timbers, and like, break out the barbecue turkey legs and mutton kebabs." Shaggy says as he and Scooby walk through the faire dressed as pirates themselves.

"Aye, aye Peg Leg Shaggy sir." Scooby says.

"Any way a girl could dock here?" Velma asks walking up to Shaggy and gently taking his arm. 

"Aye, but only if ye be in wench garb and talking all piratey." Shaggy says.

"Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of root beer." Scooby says then giggles as he and Shaggy walk of to grab food. 

"Let's see. I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with "no way I'm putting on those dumb clothes."  Velma says bluntly as she watches them walk off. 

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