14. When the Cicada Calls

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It's late at night at the destroido corp headquaters. Thick clouds of pollution bellowed out of two large chimneys. The car par sat empty except for one car. The doors to the comapny opened now as a small chubby middle aged man with grey hair walks out. He pulled out his car keys and the only car in the lot beeps as it unlocks. The man reaches it now as he opens the door and puts his briefcase in. His phone begins to ring in his pocket and he takes it out answering it. 

"On my way home now darling." He says not even checking to see who had called him. 

"You did not heed my warning." A deep voice says on the other line. 

"Honey? What's wrong with your voice? it's so deep. wait a minute. Is this that nut again?" The man asks. 

"I told you if you did not quit your job at destroido and leave forever something terrible will happen to you." The voice says now. 

"And I told you I don't appreciate prank calls!" The man say annoyed now. "My sister in laws a paralegal if this keeps up I'm suing you. Go suck a lemon!" He threatens before hanging up the phone now. "Oh boy, the nerve of some people." He grumbles before getting into his car. 

The man was now driving along the Cliffside  as he came to a checkpoint where the destriodo comapny road meets the main road. The traffic light above was red. As the man waited for it to change a cicada bug buzzed as it made it's way down and landed on his windscreen. The man notices it now. "Ew. one of those Cicada thingies. I hate those bugs." He turns on his window wipers and it gets knocked off. "Ech." The light turns green now as the car starts to move again. As it does however more and more Cicada bugs begin to surround it. Some landing on the windscreen and other actually making it into the car through the air conditioning. A large swarm of Cicada's appears behind the car now and surround it. "What's going on? Hey! Go Away!" The man says as Cicada's begin to swarm him and he screams. "Ah no get them off!" He cries unable to concentrate on the road and his cars comes off it now rolling over as it lands in a wreck. 

The cicada's emerge from car now returning to the swarm as they form a large Cicada figure. "I warned you." The Giant Cicada figure says in a deep voice.

The gang were all at school sat in a calls. 

"The cicada, the most perfect insect in a decidedly imperfect world." A man teaching the class says as a cicada rests on is finger. He brings it up to his face gently and kisses it before setting it down on a plant that sat on is desk.

Most of the girls in the class were sat with a dreamy look as they watched the professor. Daphne and Velma however had other things on their mind. It had been several weeks since anyone had seen Y/n or been able to get in touch with him. 

"Did he just kiss a bug?" Fred asks Daphne grossed out. 

"Fred, that's not important right now. Have you been able to get in contact with Y/n at all?" Daphne asks him.

"No. I tried visiting his home late at night but even then he's still not there." Fred replies.

"There's been no activity on his phone either. I tried calling using a different number but couldn't get through. Its like he disappeared off the face of the earth." Velma says joining in the conversation now. 

"The Cicada's life cycle is fascinating. As grubs they burrow into the ground where they spend the next 17 years." The professor says getting everyone's attention again. "Changes in our ecosystem though could wipe out the precious cicada...which is why we need to keep watch on companies who pollute nature." The professor says with contempt as he looks at his cicada's. "Isn't that right? Scooby and Shaggy?" He asks the pair who were sat eating bags of something called nature slivers. 

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