🌟32 - Story Time🌟

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As Hoshi spoke to me, I left the biscuits. I waddled up to my seagull teacher and gave him a tight hug.

"Goodnight Teacher! Sleep well!!"

I left the kitchen and made my way back to my shared room.

Those biscuits better be there tomorrow or I will be throwing hands.


[(Y/n) Pov]

It's currently night time. My brother is asleep besides me while I'm still awake cuddling up against my plushies. I'm struggling to sleep due to not being tired. Not even a bit. I turned over to see my brother snoring. His sleeping Face is a bit...

"...you're so ugly..." I whispered to myself as I turned back around and got out of bed. I left my plushies behind and made my way to the front of the door. Turning around one last time, I left.

Maybe if I walked around a bit I might get tired..

I thought to myself as I walked around the dark barely lit hallways. I turned the corner and saw someone on the phone. I quickly went back around the corner only to peak my head back around it.

"Yes Samu I'm eating..!! Aw do you care about meee?? Fine I'll leave then, goodnight Samu!" As I heard him talk, I soon heard a sigh.

"You can come out kid you're not really hiding" I watched him turn around to face me. We then made eye contact.

"Im sorry.. who was that Atsu..?"

"Just my brother ha, why are you awake anyway?"

He walked other to me then crouched to my level.

"Cant sleep and Tobio is snoring like an ogre heh" I chucked to myself as I dissed my brother.

"Want some warm milk? Usually that helps or maybe a story?"

Unlike my brother I'm not actually a big fan of milk. Deciding on the choices, I decided on a story.

"I want a story! But if you tell me it in my bedroom he might wake up..."

"Well then, let's go to the gym and sit there yea?"

I nodded frantically in answer. He got up from his crouching and walked ahead. I followed behind looking at his hand a little. Quickening my pace, I intertwined my hand with his. I saw he got startled. He looked down at my smiling face and smiled back.
Now in the gym, he sat down first against the wall. I walked over and sat in between his legs and the story started.

The story:

Once there was a little bear. The little bear had an older brother. An older brother who loved them very much. They both had wild adventures. They even met new bears. As they met new bears, they created their own little family.

As the little bear met new bears, the bears became there brothers. Although the little bear was a bit of a troublemaker, all the brothers and even sisters treated them well. They were a family.

One night away from the little bear, the family had a meeting. A meeting about the young bear. A meeting about how they all agreed on protecting the little bear from anything. They all agreed on this and the meeting came to an end.

The next day, the little bear took the eldest bears out for a walk.

"Look Kawa!! Bo!! It's a pretty flower" as the young bear admired the flower, the eldest bears all awed in response.

"You're the prettiest flower (Y/n)!!" The bear known as Bo came up from behind the younger one capturing them in a bear hug.

After a long day of exploring, walking, admiring and talking the bears soon made there way back home. A long day made the little bear tired. One of the bears known as Iwa went upstairs to put the little bear to rest.


[Atsumu Pov]

As I just finished the story I made up on the spot, I heard faint snoring. Looking slightly down I saw (Y/n) asleep. I yawned slightly as I started to grow tired myself. I slightly moved a little trying not to wake (Y/n) up. I wrapped my arms around the waist and got comfortable. Falling asleep, I fell into dream land.
I woke up again. It's probably been a few hours since I fell asleep. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and saw that (Y/n) was coughing hysterically. Getting worried, I moved (Y/n) from my lap and started to shake them by the shoulders.

"(Y/N)! Wake up!" I started to raise my voice. Anxiety was rising.

Clearly shaking them by the shoulders wasnt working, I picked them up bridal style and ran out of the gym trying to find her brothers room.

"Cmon you goody two shoes where are you?!"

I ran through the hallways, I probably woke a few people up in the act as my feet continued to stomp on the floor. I heard a few doors open up behind me as I passed them.

"Atsumu what are you doing awake?! Go to sleep you loser!" That voice belonged to Kourai. I swiftly turned around.

"Help me out here! (Y/n) won't wake up!" I showed Hoshiumi the coughing shaking little body. I saw the worry in his eyes.

"Stay here I'll get Kageyama! Wake up the coach or some kind of adult!" I gave a singular nod and started to run once again.

I found the coaches room in no time. Wasting no time, I banged on the door. I soon heard shuffling and groaning from the other side of the door. He opened the door and saw my worried face. He looked confused.

"What is it Atsumu? Wait- what's wrong with (Y/n)?!"

As he asked that question, he took (Y/n) from my arms. He started to pat them on the back as if they were choking. It was no use. I heard fast incoming footsteps to the left of me, turning in the direction I saw Kageyama rushing.


To Be Continued

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