⭐️13 - Bear Day⭐️

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"Tori Tori... is brother mad at me...?" I asked Tendo silently trying to hide my presence from my brother not wanting to be found. A true game of where's Wally began.


[(Y/n) Pov]

I tried and tried my best to hide from my brother only to be caught straight away. Tendo let me off his shoulders, I was now stood besides his leg hugging it tightly. My brother was now storming over, the others were going to the own teams not wanting to be involved with the situation yet.

"YOU. I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE THE GROUNDS DID I NOT?!" He wouldn't stop yelling. I truly scared me. This side of brother was the most terrifying. He continued to vent his anger out on me, squeezing my eyes shut tears started to fall.

Quickly opening my eyes, I looked around for a specific someone. Noticing the tall boy, I instantly ran over to him. Leaving Tendo and my brother behind, I hid behind his leg shaking.

"Huh? Oh- Whats wrong little polar?" I soon noticed that he was looking down at my small crying figure, he picked me up into his arms hugging me close.

"Brother is scaring me.. can we go somewhere else..?" I whispered into his ear, a nod was given in response. We made our way to the gym door almost leaving it until I came up with an idea.

"Wait- Asahi!! Toshi!! Come with us please...!!" Gaining their attention, they too nodded. Toshi came last however as he had to speak to his coach about leaving. Blonde coach was more understanding about the situation. Now the four left the gym leaving an angry Kageyama behind.

"So where to little polar?" I too questioned myself that as well. Deeply thinking, I soon pointed outside to the field.

"Back there... I want to go to the back of the field..!" This was a game of follow the leader now. I, the leader and my three bears following. We soon made it to the destination, Aone let me down on the ground. We were now sat together. I was sat crossed leg in Aone's lap while Asahi was laying on his back looking at the sky and Ushijima was laying on his stomach.

"Hey (Y/n)... why did you leave the grounds..?" A question I wished I would never hear at the moment however I couldn't avoid it forever.

"I wanted to explore more...! The grounds were slowly getting boring and the world outside of these school grounds seemed so cool! I'm sorry Asahi and Aone.." Looking down into my lap I soon let out a small sigh. I didn't notice the behind gentle hug I received from Aone but it was for sure warm and comforting.

"But don't worry..! Toshi here saved me!! As well as Tori Tori!" Trying to flip the situation, I gleamed with happiness as I mentioned the heroic act from the duo.

"That's right but you can't rely on me to be there forever (Y/n), it was luck that we were there to help out" Well that soon turned back into negativity... sighing in defeat, I looked back down into the grass noticing daisies. IDEAAAA!!!

I picked the daisies from the ground, slitting a small hole into the stem of one. I thread another daisy into the slit and made a daisy chain. Aone was the first to notice my actions. He started to pick the daisies out which were besides him. Asahi noticed too. He followed my actions and made chains too. Ushijima however, didn't make chains.. he made crowns instead!

"Wow Toshi!! That's so cool!!" Looked over at Toshi I saw a small daisy crown laid in his hands. We made eye contact for a mere second, he moved closer to me and placed the crown on my head. Gasping in shock, I gave the biggest teethy smile.

"Thanks Toshi!!!" Patting my crown gently, I started to let out small not noticeable yawns.

"It's okay" Although his tone was saying another story, I knew inside he was happy and that's what matters.

"Oh yea! So you three are my bears!! Asahi is my brown bear, Aone is my polar and Toshi is my panda!" As I pointed out the three bears, the only one who was in shock was Ushijima. Maybe he didn't like it...

"Thanks (Y/n) you're our little bear cub then" I shot my head up to notice Ushijima... SMILING?!?!?!! I was so shocked that I fell back into Aone's chest. I looked up to Aone's face, he too was in shock. Asahi too in fact.

We continued to made daisy items and chat too. This is what I wanted. A nice day out with my bears. The weather was perfect, the place too was perfect. It was all so perfect and it stayed that way.

It was now coming up to night-time. The sun was setting, I fell back into Aone's chest and dozed off into sleep. Trying to find my three bear plushies in my sleep, I moved around uncomfortable. Groaning too. I needed my plushies. Where are they...

"Figured she might need these..."

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