✨3 - Teddy Bear✨

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Averting my eyes to the sky to see it was now dark. The stars are out and a nice cool breeze was blowing.

"Guess I wasn't expecting him to drag his sister like that.. hope I meet her again soon.." I calmly said as I gave up complaining to my friend.


[(Y/N) Pov]

It didn't take us long to reach home to be fair, usually it took a good 10 minutes or so but today we got there in under that time.

Brother seems angry... should I speak up...? No! Leave him be to calm down (Y/n)...

Walking into our home, I rushed up the stairs to my room but stopping in my tracks after hearing my brother speak up.

"(Y/n). Did that brown haired boy hurt you?" He spoke softly not wanting to scare me, I didn't understand why he asked if he did hurt me or not.

"No... why do you ask? Do you not like him?" I asked with a confused tone.

"No... don't worry about it, go get changed I'll sort some dinner out.." After heading this, I continued back up the stairs to my room.

Changing out of my daily clothing into my soft Cookie Monster pyjamas. I made my way to my bed to get my little note book out from under my pillow. Opening the book to a certain page, I grabbed the Polaroid photo. The photo was of myself, my brother and our parents. Gently putting the book on my bedside table, I turned to the side still holding onto the photo.

I miss you ma and pa... brother is managing and looking after me well so please don't worry..!

Every evening before dinner I would always tell my parents in the photo about my brother and myself. This always helped me stay calm and not worry about the loss of them.

After a short while of talking to my parents in my mind, I heard my brother saying my name from downstairs.

Dinner must be done! I'll talk to you guys soon Ma and Pa! I love you lots!

Grabbing onto my notebook from the table, I put the photo back into the pages to then put my book under my pillow. Rushing out of my room, down the stairs, into the kitchen and then sitting down on the wooden chair my brother came over with dinner.

"Eat up (Y/n), be careful it's still a bit hot" My brother told me while he also sat down opposite me.

"Brother... why did you ask me about that boy earlier at the store?" I asked out of curiosity, surely they didn't mean harm. Maybe hedgehog but surely not Kawa?

"They are just two people I once knew don't worry about it but if either of them hurts you, you tell me straight away okay?" I just nodded in response and continued to eat my dinner not wanting to bring the topic up again.

[Time Skip - BedTime]

It was now time for bed, I always went to sleep earlier than him. Hopping into bed, I grabbed onto my polar bear, panda and brown bear plushies hugging them tightly. I had a love for bears if you couldn't tell.

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