✨18 - Fractured?✨

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"What's that little star?" I heard Tori ask me, he was pointing to my plushie. Was he trying to change the subject?

"O-Oh, Kyo brought this for me! We went to the toy store his name is Tani!" Trying to brightened the mood, I told everyone about my new plushie. I was unaware of what was currently going on outside the gym at the front gate. I didn't notice the remaining others who weren't outside nor with me, they were looking for the coaches and probably calling the police.


[Kageyama Pov]

I was currently outside still putting up a fight with the freaky deaky man who dared to touch my sister. After I sent my sister away, Ushijima was the first one to come help out. I was thankful that he came running, I didn't know how much longer I could of gone on.

Ushijima was currently beating the shit out of him while I stood to the sides trying to gather my composure and breath. A powerful left hook met with Ushijima's face.

"That was from before! And this is for now!" A blow to the stomach. The same attacks was used on me before, it was true pain.

Even after all the blows Ushijima was still standing with mere blood on him, unlike myself. I soon heard more footsteps, turning around I saw a few others. Bokuto, Kuroo, Asahi, Aone and Oikawa. You're screwed now you fucking pedo... Bokuto was the first one to run up into him blowing a punch to the side of his head.

"YOU TOUCH MY OWL AND ILL MESS YOU UP" As Bokuto continued to yell, he kept blowing punches all across his body.

The male was officially on the ground, back first, blood trickling down his nose while coughing up blood.

"That's what you fucking get you pedo, prey on my sister again and watch what-" I was cut off when I saw the one who was meant to protect her coming into the grounds blowing a strong powerful punch to the centre of his stomach.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He was clearly clueless of where she was actually. I never got the chance to tell him where she was since he wouldn't stop punching the shit out of him. Oikawa stood there shocked of what his second year could possibly do when mad. Aone, Ushijima and Asahi stood there as if they were expecting this, the rest were standing there practically cheering him on.

The male was completely weak. Couldn't even stand. Possibly had some broke bones as well. Kyotani was sat on top on his panting heavily. After he caught his breath, he got off him and walked into the building. He's probably trying to find (Y/n)...

The police soon came not long after Kyotani left. We all got questioned as for what happened and of course we all told them about what happened to my sister. Although some of this did beat the shit out of him, we were all let off. Let's just hope the coaches can do the same.

[(Y/n) Pov]

I kept talking to the mini group who each and every one of them were sat on the floor as if it was story time in primary school all over again. The adventures of (Y/n) and Kyo! Had a nice ring to it if I'm being honest, as I continued to talk about how my day was with Kyo, the doors opened revealing a group of tall boys. However 2 were missing. My brother and Toshi. Assuming they went to the Medic's office, my brother was in the worst condition he probably went straight there, Toshi must also be there as well. I'm sure he was worried about his health as well as my brothers.

I soon got off from Tori's lap and ran to the Medics office. Opening the doors of the office, I saw Toshi sat upright on the bed while my brother was laid down on another. I slowly walked up to my brothers bed crying. Bawling my eyes out. Did I cause this? Was this my fault?

"Why you crying? I'm not dying you loser.." I let out a small quiet giggle at my brothers statement. He knew how to make me smile when it's needed most. I wiped away my tears and gave my brother a gentle hug not wanting to cause anymore harm to him.

"Get some rest for now brother, you need it" As my brother would do for me before I go to sleep, I gave him a peck on the forehead. My brother smiled, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Leaving my brothers side, I went up to Toshi, jumping onto the bed I was now sat next to him.

"You okay Toshi..? I'm sorry you got hurt because of me.." The guilt was so much for a little child such as myself. I caused so much pain and harm on my brother and on my panda friend. Tears were formed again in my eyes.

This wasn't unnoticed by Toshi. He picked me up, now sat in his lap he pulled me into his tight warm embrace.

"Please don't be sorry, I'm fine don't worry please" His calm voice was so soothing to my ears, it was basically like silk to the touch. Calming myself down, no tears were fallen. Coming out of his embrace, I hopped down off the bed and said my farewells. I left office leaving the two to rest for a while, I was back on my way to the gym.

As I got into the gym I wasn't expecting to the practically attacked by the same group of boys who came in earlier.

Bokuto pulling me into his embrace, crying, he squeezed me to death. I let out a soft giggle and hugged him back. Now released from his grip, I was soon in Kuroo's arms.

"You're not hurt are you?!" I shook my head giving him my famous teethy smile. He smiled in return and he too hugged me. Seconds later I got snatched by Oikawa and Kyo. Was this some game of pass the parcel or something? It's not Christmas yet...

"My little sprout!!! Where did he hurt you?! I swear I would of blown off on him if Bokuto didn't get in the way!!" Why was everyone so worried if I was in pain? Mean like I don't feel anything? I too questioned myself if I was okay or not. Mere seconds later I remembered my wrist. A cracking sound could be heard when the older male tightly grabbed onto my wrist back then.

I raised my wrist to my face a little, staring at my wrist I inspected it. It didn't look broken? Fractured maybe? I soon poked the joint which connected my forearm and hand. I winched in pain.

"Ow... I think my wrist is broken or fractured Kawa..." I raised my injured wrist to his face. He let me down from his embrace, now stood on my own two feet, he crouched down to my height and also inspected my wrist. I noticed how the others were curious, they soon came over and looked over his shoulders. A few others were watching from afar.

"That might be the case little sprout, we should get it X-Rayed in case" I was worried. Anxious in fact. I didn't want it to be broken nor fractured.

"I'll take her since none of you can drive, just leave her to me you guys gotta catch up on practice anyway" The sudden voice made my head and many others turn in the direction of the voice. There stood was the blonde coach from Karasuno. It was Ukai!

"Come on mini Kageyama let's get you checked out" Before leaving with Ukai, I gave everyone a last hug. Once I have Kyo his hug, he wouldn't let go. Was he worried?

"Don't worry Kyo, I'm with an adult this time! ...An old man... hehe!!" I whispered the last part into his ear, we both giggled at my remark. Although it was a whisper, the coach still some how heard me.

"I'm not old!! Hurry up lazy bones!" Kyo finally let me go, I ran up to the coach. Now walking out of the gym, we walked up to his car. We go BRR BRR BEEP. Now on our way to the hospital, I soon wondered how my brother would react.

To Be Continued

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