⭐️10 - Polar⭐️

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"Don't worry (Y/n), you'll forever be a little crow to me" I pulled her into a tight hug, she hugged back sighing.

"You're brother will be here with your dinner in a minute or so okay?" I looked down to her figure and saw her nod her head in response.

Forever a little crow...


[(Y/n) Pov]

Dinner didn't last long. My brother came with dinner and we all ate, of course the team spoke too so it wasn't eaten in silence. It was now time to get rested up. I made my way to the mangers room, as no one was there already, I got changed in the room.

I was in my fluffy bear pyjamas. I made my way to my futon. I placed my three bears next to me as I turned to face them. My brother couldn't come in to give me a kiss goodnight but we did that outside the room before I went in so it still counts. I started to drift off to sleep.

[In Dream Land]

I was playing in a field full of flowers with my parents opposite me. My brother was also there, he was sat next to me. We were sat down on the field having a picnic.

I was having so much fun, my brother and I played a bit. I drew the fascinating scenery and I got to hang around with my parents again.

It was now time to leave the picnic area, I fell asleep however so my Father picked my small body up placing me in my car seat. I eventually woke up but I was somewhere unfamiliar to myself. It was a white room? I had wires connected to my body?

I'm confused... no... Where's Ma?! Pa??!?! BROTHER?!!

I couldn't say a thing. My voice was basically gone. Silence.




I jolted awake with cold sweats dripping down from my body. I also had tears streaming down my eyes. I got out of bed, grabbing onto all three of my bears to then walk silently out of the managers room since they were all asleep. I had to find a clock...

Searching for a nearby clock, I found out outside the gym. I looked at the clock trying to work out the time.

I think it's... 2:19am... I can't go waking brother up...

I sighed to myself as I looked down almost crying again. What was oblivious to me was that someone was behind me. A hand was met with my shoulder scaring me, I turned around in a swift motion seeing a blurry face due to my tears. I wiped my tears away to then see the white haired male.

"O-Oh... I'm sorry mister..." I said looking down again almost crying again.

I want brother...

As tears started to fall again, I was pulled into a hug. The wall blocker gave me a tight hug. He drew circles on my back calming me down.

"Are you okay? I heard tears" I looked at his face once again realising I just woke him up.

"I'm okay... I'm so sorry for waking you up.." A sigh escaped your lips, feeling extremely guilty for what you caused.

"Please don't be sorry it's okay as long as you stopped crying. Want to tell me about it?" I shook my head not wanting to talk about the previous event that happened. If I did I would probably cry again.

"Very well then.. want to sleep with me would that help?" His question surprised me. I nodded my head this time. We walked with hands intertwined, we were in front of his door.

We were now in his room with other players still asleep. We made our way to his futon, he was the first to get in I soon joined him. Since he was much bigger he pulled me into a hug. I let out a small quiet giggle looking at the white haired male.

"You remind me of a polar bear... I love bears..." I quietly whispered as I drifted off to sleep leaving the male in shock as for what I said.

[Aone's Pov]

She wasn't afraid of me... She loves bears... She's cuddling me...!!

I looked down at the small girl that was in my arms, seeing she was asleep. A small sigh escaped my lips as I too went to sleep.

I hope you stay by my side... little cub...

[Time Skip - Morning]

I woke up before the rest of my team. I looked down and saw she was still there sleeping. I decided to let her sleep a little longer, I made my way out of the bedroom and made my way to the bathroom.

After my bathroom journey, I was back in my room to see my teammates still sleeping but someone else was awake. She was.

"Hello polar..." She said with a yawn afterwards. She really didn't want to wake the others up.

She slowly made her way to me as I was stood by the doors.

"Up... up..." She held out her arms wanting to be picked up, which I of course did. I slowly picked her up. Yawns still escaping her lips.

"Tired still?" A small nod was given as she laid her head on my shoulder with eyes closed. This was the cutest.

"Want to go back to the Managers room and get more rest?" Another nod. With this I made my way to the managers room. A few were awake already so I told them the situation.

"I'll tell my team not to bother her for a while, she needs the sleep..." I looked down to see a small blonde manager. Not wanting to talk to them any longer, I nodded my head and handed her over.

Bye little cub... till we meet again

With that I left to go back to my room and get changed.

[(Y/n) Pov]

I woke up once again to see I was back in the managers room. A loud yawn was given and a big stretch followed the yawn as I made my way out of the room to the cafeteria area. I saw everyone was there already. I had my Panda bear in hand as I slowly made my way to the Karasuno table.

"(Y/n) go back to sleep.. you're still tired.." I shook my head not wanting to miss any of today.

"I'll be fine..! Don't worry about me Asahi... I'll be... fine..." I laid my head against his arm falling back asleep. Small snores could be heard making everyone turn to you.

"I'll put her back to bed" Asahi picked me up causing me to wake up again. I groaned not wanting to go back to sleep but I fell back asleep again.

To Be Continued

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