- at a party

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Is terrified and has no idea how he got here. Constantly checking Everyone's cups to make sure they're safe. Usually ends up getting so by Eren in the first ten minutes, so he takes to following him and Jean around from a distance to prevent any fighting. Always insists he's not drinking or only a little, but by the end of the night he's debating politics and fighting formations with anyone in sight.

Most likely only there because Reiner dragged him there. The entire time Reiner is going on about his plans to find some girl for Bertholdt to spend the night with, regardless of how many times Bertholdt says no thank you. Usually stands on the sidelines sipping from his cup, watching the party take place in front of himself. Ends up finding someone to talk to, the night often ending with his tipsy self debating politics and pottery with some other equally drunk person.

Trying so desperately to pick up any girl he can. Desperate to get laid, he's willing to do anything for any girl: including going on wild goose chases for them. Often means his night ends in running around circles trying to find things for girls that don't exist. If anyone tries to tell him he needs to calm down/had to much to drink he'll fight them. He's the type who acts a lot drunker then they really are.

Forcing cups of water into everyone's hands. Stands on guard, waiting for someone to pass out, so he can be the one to go and help them. Checks regularly to make sure no ones stealing anything or breaking anything. Usually takes over the door job, insisting no one else can be trusted: then creating a strict criteria that had to be fitted to get into the party. Rarely keys loose in front of large numbers of people, and prefers to try and manage how the night goes instead.

Jean is only slightly more successful then Eren. Although most nights end in a fight with Eren, after realising they're both trying to flirt with the same, uninterested, girl. No matter how drunk, he'll still insist he's completely sober. Even if he's on the brink of unconscious he'll be asking for a refill. He isn't the type to go absolutely mental at parties, but does enjoy mostly sticking with his friends for the start of the night.

— Sits in the corner glaring at anyone who dares to come into a five foot radius of him. Sits seeping on his drink the entire night. To everyone else he looks like he'd rather be dead then there, but in reality he's enjoying himself and just hates to let it show. Hides any stray smiles behind his cup. Finds happiness in the sight of anyone passed out, or throwing up. Also refuses to help said people, saying they only have themselves to blame for getting so drunk. Usually ends the night passed out or throwing up.

Stuck waiting outside the girls bathrooms holding everyone's drinks. Not the type to get too drunk, regularly just tipsy. Tends to be the one looking after Jean and making sure everyone else gets home okay. Cannot stop smiling the entire time. Often hit on by girls, but he never notices; said girl usually gets drive off by Jeans "flirting". He's really too clueless to see the amount of girls who're trying to chat him up, convinced they're just super friendly. If he helps someone home, the type to leave out painkillers, glass of water, and a note exposing what happened to them.

The minute anyone takes a sip from their drink he's there already topping them up. Always has a spare shot in hand for anyone looking bored. He's the one to start a game of beer pong, or jump up onto the table and proceed to then go through said table. Wanders off constantly to go make new friends. Too drunk to notice when anyones trying to flirt with him, only focusing on trying to have a good time. Eats all the snacks, then proceeds to empty the fridge too.


A/N: kinda similar to the what they're like drunk one, but I have more ideas and chapters on the way. Thank u all so much for all the reads and votes and comments. Feel free to leave any requests.
Love u all stay safe xx

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