- how they scare you

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Armin never did much to directly scare you, but the way he could treat himself was suffice enough. The way he could so easily loathe and blame himself for everything and anything, no matter how big at small. In the midst of a crisis he would often see just how far away he could push people. Of course it never worked on you. But it was no doubt worrying how the boy could treat himself so lowly.

Every now and then, Bertholdt would get this weird far away look in his eyes. Often following after one of his "silly little meetings" with Reiner and Annie. Anytime after those three had a little chat, it was like Bertholdt felt inclined to tell you just how much you meant to him. At first you thought it was cute, but soon it changed. His anxiety seemed to be hitting all-time highs, the three only conversing in hushed whispers. Bertholdt would always ensure you that no matter what happened he would always love you, and nothing could ever change that. The way he put emphasis on this seemingly inevitable change was becoming suspicious. Making you wonder just what those three were always talking about.

His tendency to lose control in his Titan form. It was a struggle to put your faith in him sometimes. No doubt a few people would take the mick about being with a guy who was the equivalent to a ticking time bomb — cough, cough, horse boy — but even you had to admit how scary Eren could be. Unable to recognise even those closest to him in this form, lashing out at all those near. You couldn't help the sudden swell of anxiety that ate away at you every time to saw him as a Titan. So it was only natural you would tense up anytime he hurt himself as a human, expecting the worse to happen.

Erwin's tendency to complete push everything aside for the sake of his job. You both agreed upon putting your jobs before your relationship, but you didn't realise just how bad it would get. How he'd easily brush you and his closest friends off, sleepless nights spent behind his desks, piles of coffee-stained glasses lined the room, half-eaten plates discarded to the floor. His lack of care for you, the other squad leaders, and even himself was becoming worrying. Erwin always the sweet-talker able to convince you otherwise. However his health was beginning to become a serious issue.

Jeans fiery temper was almost a match for Erens. Of course he was better at staying level-headed, but everyone had their limits. During arguments his quick to rise anger was something you were weary of. You knew Jean could never hurt you like that, but that didn't mean he would hesitate to rethink his wording. Also with firsthand experience at seeing how soon he was to snap at frights with Eren didn't help either.

Whilst in the middle of the action, Levi had a certain way of... losing himself. A fury so strong it helped drive him to his spot of humanities strongest. But this Titan-fueled hatred also had a way of spreading to those around him. Levi easily lashing out at his fellow squad leaders and other cadets. Harsh words spirited out with little to none regret. Not even you were at his mercy. Him easily taking his anger out of on you with words in the midst of a heated expedition. How easily he could sever all ties, and lash out at you was only worrying.

You two always joked about Marcos selflessness being his ultimate downfall. But after a few close calls, it was starting to become unfunny. It frightened you how willing Marco was to give up how life for others. Of course you felt proud of your courageous boyfriend, but you hated the little part of you that filled with selflessness. Wishing Marco would learn some self-perseveration, but you'd find out just how selfless he was in a bad way...

You knew Reiners friends didn't like you. Annie made it blatantly obvious, whereas at least Bertholdt tried to come across nice. It became scary just how controlling the duo seemed over yours and Reiners relationship. Able to easily talk him out of spending time with you for some "extra training". Reiner slowly but surely became more distant, seemingly avoiding you. Everyone could tell your relationship was on the rocks. Nothing terrified you more than this new person Reiner was becoming.


a/n: I had a weird cryptic dream telling me to update, so here you go. Thank u to everyone voting and commenting. I feel like a right stalker but ngl it's fun to read pole convos in the comments. It seems that every time I say there'll be daily updates I dip. So sorry about that hehe. Hope everyone's staying safe and doing well!!!!!

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