- your tampons stuck prank

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You prank the boys by saying your tampon string broke off and has gotten stuck inside you, so they need to help.


— Seemingly calm and collected, but is just hiding his intense panicking.
— Definitely starts googling best way to get a stuck tampon out.
— Is not as good at hiding his fear, as he would think he was.
— To make matters worse, you keep asking him if he's sure he will do it? Does he know what he's doing?
— Armin starts to question if this is a good idea, but with the only alternative being leave it up there he understands he has to do it.
— Extremely happy to hear it's a prank and even finds it funny, but asks you not to tell anyone.

— This poor boy is sweating and shaking.
— Insists you will be in better hands of an experienced friend, who knows how to properly handle the situation.
— After hearing that you messaged your friends, but they were all busy, he starts mentally preparing for the task ahead.
— Once he hears it's only a prank, a literally weight has been lifted of his shoulders.
— Doesn't really find it funny and makes you promise not to do it again.

— Honestly, why would you even bother asking him for help?
— Starts freaking out, pacing, muttering to himself. Asking questions like: "how we gonna survive this?". We??
— Keeps psyching himself up to then immediately pussy out.
— Your happy you now know to never ask Eren for help if this really happens. Regardless of it not being true, you now feel stressed from how much he's freaking out.
— Tries to call Mikasa to make her come over and help.
— The whole situation seems to of taken years off of his life.
— Could've collapsed once you reveal it's only a prank. Insist he needs an ambulance, as he's having a heart attack.
— Will not admit it's funny not matter how much time has passed. Refers to it as a traumatic memory and will never forget the betrayal he felt at this "harmless" prank.

— In my eyes, the only man (except Marco) out of them all who would actually be useful in this situation.
— Will roll his sleeve back and immediately get to work.
— Asks whether you think a pair of tweezers are necessary for easier removal?
— Shows no complaint, or issue, and drops whatever he is currently doing to gently lead you to the bathroom.
— Asks what brand of tampon was used to sure he can avoid buying them in the future, if they are clearly causing you problems.
— Once you reveal the truth he causally laughs it off and tells you to never feel scared to ask if it really happens.

— Freezes
— Keeps asking if your sure it won't just fall out by itself, or if there's actually a problem with leaving it up there, until one of your friends could come over and help instead.
— Similar reaction to Eren: will not admit defeat, yet cannot bring himself to really do it.
— After some teasing, asking if he's really that scared, he will swallow his fears.
— Extremely relieved to hear it's a prank and after the reality sets in he does find it funny as well.
— Insists he will find a way to get you back just as bad.

— Absolutely disgusted, I'm sorry but Levi would be useless.
— Would agree to help, but would begin by questioning you. "Are you sure you tried reaching deep enough" "Did you go in at the right angel?"
— Once he realises you have given up and he has to do it, he will slowly and begrudgingly approach.
— Unable to look you in your eyes, or at your vagina, or even anywhere in your vicinity.
— When asked if he can do it, or if he's alright, he snaps back that he's fine. There's no way Levi will admit how grossed out he is, as he feels it his duty to help you.
— Once you relieve it's all a prank and he doesn't have to do anything, simply put, he is fuming.
— Will storm off, embarrassed that he fell for it and embarrassed you saw him so disturbed, and will refuse to talk to you.
— Eventually gets over it before the day ends and denies any struggle he showed during the task.

— Yet again, one of the few who will be fine.
— Sees no problem and leads to into the bathroom.
— Clearly nervous and asks for advice on how to approach it in the least painful way for you.
— Gently scolds you for being so careless/using tampons that would break so easily.
— Nervous for your own health, rather than having to help. Asks how long it's been stuck for and starts to get scared what will happen if it's in there for any longer.
— Finds the prank pretty funny.
— Just happy to hear that you're all okay.

— This man is stressed.
He has no idea what to do or how to do it, but there is no doubt that he will give it his all.
— Immediately drops to his knees and states he's ready.
— Reiner is visibly stressed, slightly sweaty and shaking, but verbally states no issue with helping you.
— Can be heard muttering "it's for the greater good", as he wipes a hand over his forehead.
— Extremely relieved to hear it's a prank and admits it was quite funny, as he now feels his blood pressure drop to a normal rate again.
— OR
— He would see no problem (as it's not like he hasn't been up there before during your period) and would immediately get to it.

Comment any requests, as I am very much struggling to think of any😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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