- 3DM gear failure

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Too stunned to even react. Helplessly, he can only watch as the hooks on your 3DMG fail to latch onto the trees, rigid bark during training. Your body twits and contorts as you spiral downwards through the air. He was slowly losing you, and he couldn't even move. Eren swung out of nowhere, grabbing your body before gently landing on the floor. The two of you laugh it off with a quick hug, Armin still watching. He didn't talk to you for the rest of the day. When you ask why, he simply breaks down. Saying if you'd died it would've been his fault since he was too shocked to move. After calming him down, you ensure him that that was a normal reaction to such a thing, and that there's nothing useless about him.

Bertholdt tried to fight the tightening, combined grip of Annie and Reiner. But it was to no use. He swore you could the exact moment his heart shattered. Bertholdt could barely breath when he was told the news, that you'd confronted Annie about being the female titan, so in return she tampered with your gear during a trip to the frost district to preserve her identity. Helplessly, he could only watch as your slowly, growling smaller figure sprinted around the desolate streets. Repeatedly cursing out your broken gear, having no idea the truth behind its faults. The breath was sucked from his lungs when a Titan eventually found you. Thrashing against the harsh holds on him, tears dripped as he heard you calling out his name in your final seconds.

The hooks on your gear failed to latch onto a nearby house in the Rose district. Falling through the air, you struggled to hear anything past the harsh whistling of the air. Apart from one thing. Eren. You latched onto his screams and shots and cries. Knowing when it stopped you'd already be dead from the impact of the ground. But it never came. A large fist grabbed you, gently rocking you inside. Slowly unballing, you saw the Titan that'd grabbed you was Eren. You sat shaking in the palm of his oversized hand, Adrenalin cording through your veins. In the distance you could hear Levi screaming at Eren for transforming.

Erwin's downward faze hid his watering eyes. The screams in protest from the other squad leaders — Hanji and Levi — we're definitely not helping his case. He'd made the order to abandon your squad, knowing there was no saving it. That's included leaving you to a fatal demise. He was no doubt heartbroken. It took all of the self control he possessed to not turn the entire survey corps around to save you. But he knew better. You'd both already had this conversation. He knew you didn't what special treatment for yours and his romantic relationship m, saying your life isn't worth more then anyone else. Abiding by your wishes, he moved on for the greater good of the expedition. From that day forward, he was gonna make sure there were stricter gear inspects. Knowing if your gear had been working fine, it wouldn't of prompted your entire squad to step in to save your life. If he'd just noticed a faulty screw in it, or the low gas canister. But he didn't. Now he'd have to live with for the rest of his life.

Jean knew just how compassionate, and selfless, and empathic you were. So it didn't come as a shock to find out you gave the last of your gas away to someone else. Knowing the two of you wouldn't survive, so there was no point in the both of you dying, when one would have a chance with the combined gas. Jean didn't care what punishment he would get. But he left his position. Racing through the district as fast as possible to find you. When he saw you, you were sprinting across rooftops. Narrowly missing the grips of distended Titan hands. But his hope for your well-being was short lived. You used the last of your blades to slice your away out of a titans grip, flying fast to the ground. Catching you, Jean didn't even bother to kill the Titan. Instead focused on getting you somewhere safe, and refilling your canisters. He couldn't tell which one of you were shaking more from the narrow escape, but he held you as tight as possible as he zipped away.

Rage spread through the midget like wildfire. In the meaty grips of a Titan was the love of his life. He had a chance. A chance at saving her. A chance he wasn't going pass up on no matter the cost. Levi made quick work of chopping, cutting, and tearing the beast into piece. Revealing in his victory. Just catching in you in time before you became a ketchup splat against he grassy ground. Levi had so much he wanted to say. The last he expected to come out his mouth was: "Your a dumb fucking brat, who almost cost her entire squad their lives." Your shaking figure nuzzled further into his grasp. Levi was glad you were too hyped up on adrenaline for his cruel words to faze you.

From the rooftops, a small figure running around the Titan infested town caught Marcos' eye. The girl seemed unable to use her 3DM gear for whatever reason. Unbeknownst to her a group of titans were hanging around the next corner she took. Springing into action, Marco saw over rooftops. Convinced he was gonna save this unknown girl. As he neared the girl started to look more familiar. It was as if the more titans that closed in on her, the more Marco noticed her. Until it clicked. The girl waiting for her inevitable death was his longterm girlfriend. There was no chance they would make it out of here alive: due to that many titans, and only one piece of working 3DMG. So Marco did the only thing he saw possible. He sacrificed himself. Hoping the sudden intrusion would give y/n enough time to escape, or at least get to more help. He just prayed his death would buy her enough time...

Reiner felt sick. He'd realised the work of him as Bertholdt had lead you to such an untimely demise. Your body twisting and contorting as you feel through the air. A Titan had swatted you from the air, after your hooks had failed to grip onto him. Reiner zipped forward, wasting no time in slaughtering the beast. Soon after he found your crumpled body on the floor. Bones protruded through your skin. Cute and bruises scattered your scared skin. He tried as gently as possible to lift your body. Fading in and out of consciousness, you merely knew what was happening. After securing you to his horse, he hoped he would get to the necessary help fast enough. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Regret and pity pulled at his heart strings in equal measure. At the end of the day if you died, it would've of ultimately been his fault. The blood would be on his hands.


a/n: I hate this so much😃 but I wanted to get one out for you guys. I HAVE NO IDEAS, so please request literally anything if u what this to continue on

+ ONE SHOTS!! Idk if you guys know but I also have an aot one shot book too. So if u wanna request a scenario with any characters I'll gladly write it. Rn there's only old ones on there, but I've got a few I'm writing rn. So please go check that out too. <3

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