- training together

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Armin doesn't tend to do much working out in his free time, opting to instead read a book. But on a few rare occasions you manage to persuade him into joining you. Usually opting for some cardio, the two of you take it easy so you can talk about your favourite books at the same time.

The shy giant often gets flustered knowing you'll be there whilst he works out. A little embarrassed about how muscular he is, but you tend to shower him in complements washing away his insecurities. Usually you get bored and end up watching him, or trying to annoy him.

— It scares you how much Eren goes for it sometimes. You'll be enjoying a leisurely jog with your headphones in to only look other and see the boy wearing an angered expression, sprinting like his life depends on it. Or trying to do a hundred bicep curls at once, his music loud enough to be heard across the entire gym.

Erwin has a strict workout schedule he sticks with, you often find it too much seldom to ever join in. When you do though, at least he changes it a little to fit you and allows breaks, but that doesn't mean you're not left aching afterwards. You always struggled to see how people fear Erwin as some type of big, scary commander, but after him leading you in a workout you can now see why.

The whole time you're trying to workout Jeans just there annoying you. He can't seem to stick to one thing without getting bored, and this is often the reason you two don't workout together. As Jean would rather a: sit and watch you, b: watching himself flexing in the mirror, or c: try and distract/annoy you for entertainment.

— You want to kill him. Anytime you slack off or answer back you get slapped in the face with another hundred pushups. You learnt it's better to keep your mouth shut and endure it, Levi insisting humanities strongest significant other has to be able to put up a decent fight too. You dread when the time of week comes for Levi trying to force you into working out with him.

— Both tend to stick to your own workout routines, neither doing anything too extensive. But you can't help but watch Marcos' muscle flexing away. The boy usually turning red when he catches you staring. Afterwards you both take it in turns to give each other massages, before grabbing matching smoothies.

— Low key just spend the whole time taking couples pictures. Reiner ends up trying to impress you with how much he can bench, to only end up bench pressing you as well. No work really gets done as the two of you just end up pissing about instead.


a/n: damnnnnnnn, we really just hit 2k votes on this!!!! Thank u guys so much, ur all way too cute and nice and sweet. Stay safe!! 🥺💞

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