- healthy or unhealthy?

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HEALTHY OR UNHEALTHY? Is the relationship you would have with them a healthy one, or an unhealthy one? These are all just mostly my opinions on the characters tbf

— Unhealthy, but only sometimes
As long as you stayed loving Armin would be the perfect boyfriend. However, if you ever started to question his intelligence, seem less interested or even tried to leave him, Armin saw no problem in some light gaslighting and manipulation. None of this was a problem until your friends began to point out this behaviour and you started to see through this...

— Healthy
Bert would never physically, mentally or even emotionally harm you in any ways. Although sometimes he struggled to come out of his anxious and quiet shell, you were always patient with him. Any issues were quickly overcome, with complete understanding from each person.

— Unhealthy
I just really don't think any sort of romantic relationship with S1-3 Eren could ever work out. Seeing as he's so quick to get angry, he seems like the type of guy who'd make you cut off most of your guy friends. Also, he just seems like he'd get angry at the smallest things and blow them out of proportion, but if you were to complain about anything simply dismiss your worries calling you dramatic. Very much an on again off again type relationship.

— Unhealthy
It was never below Erwin to use his tome as commanded to however he saw fit. When it came to you, this involved ensuring you never stepped outside the walls again. Eventually never having you step out the scouts HQ, or anywhere he couldn't have you monitored. Physically, he could never hurt you. Mentally, he had to make sure you would never leave him. However, you didn't join the scouts to become the commanders glorified prisoner...

— Healthy
A relationship with Jean would have its up and downs. Both as stubborn as the other, you could go days without any type of communication. In the end, you both came back to each other. Any issues were nothing a little extra care couldn't fix. You were both willing to fight for this relationship.

— Unhealthy
As much as Levi thinks he's ready for this relationship, he never actually was. He has too many issues he needs to sort out before entering into a relationship. Not only is he hurting himself, but you as well. Levi knows this. He can see how much his harsh words hurt and he regrets it so much, however he is too proud to say "I'm sorry" or "you were right". His protectiveness, which started off as cute and caring, quickly became overtop and overwhelming.

— Healthy 100%
Marco is simply the worlds biggest sweetheart. Any sort of problem in your relationship is met with 100% care and careful planning. You weren't afraid to be honest with him if you ever felt unloved or upset by his actions. To which Marco replied by taking mental notes of every action which caused you sadness and making sure to never repeats them. To which you would do the same for him.

— 50/50
Reiner's volatile emotions meant for unexpected days. No matter what he always loves you. But that doesn't mean you could cope with his low self esteem and depression. As much as it hurt you to see him upset, there wasn't much you could do to help him. Of course he loved you and couldn't help this, but that didn't mean it wasn't effecting you. Eventually you have to put yourself first...

A/n: it's been well over a year since I last updated, sorry guys😭😭
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