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Art: twitter.com/shrimpytime

The way I write Tommy reminds me of Undyne from undertale.

Puffy is a Sheep Hybrid - Tubbo is a Goat Hybrid


Y/N kept their wings close to their body, nearly hiding the feathers from sight if you would look at them from the front, they were basically sandwiched in between Sam and Tommy, the ladder of the two walking a head with Tommy trailing behind as they walked to Church Prime. The blonde made many comments about different buildings as they walked by, neither male missing how Y/N's shoulders tensed as they stepped over the overgrown red roots.

"That over there, is Eret's castle, don't talk to them, they're a traitor- over here is-"

"...Traitor?" Y/N cut the boy off, Sam cringing inwardly at the H/C teens question.

"Ah...yeah, it's a long story." Tommy muttered out the words, a hint of gloominess in his voice as his eyes glared at the stone rainbow building that disappeared from their vision as the group neared the church.

"There we are!" Sam says enthusiastically, his steps speeding up along with Tommy's who quickly grabs Y/N's wrist, dragging them ahead.

"This is Church Prime, no one can attack us on the holy land!" Tommy explained in one breath, stopping suddenly as the two teens crossed over a quartz line in the dirt.

"Our safety is guaranteed here." Sam says, catching up with the kids as Tommy sends him a bright but solicitous smile. Tommy energetically leads the two less ardent persons into the shiny white building. Tommy bursts inside, his smile still beaming as Sam shuffles in behind him, Y/N trailing behind the two, analyzing eyes studying the sanctified building.

Tommy grabs Sam's arm, pulling him towards a waterfall in the middle of the room before shoving the tall hybrid into it with a loud laugh. Sam stumbles a bit before tumbling to the ground due to the flow of water. The creeper-hybrid hits the ground roughly, but a small chuckles leaves his mouth as he attempts to get back on his feet.

"Jesus Tommy, you could have warned me first" Sam says, quickly rushing over and flinging water onto the boy who lets out a shriek, sprinting away.

"Damn, why is it so cold?!" the blonde yelped, making Sam laugh.

"Now you know how I feel!" The hybrid shouted back. Y/N stood by the entrance watching the scene with a small giggle, the teen stepping a bit further inside the building, feeling less nervous in the secure building, E/C eyes landing on a large portrait of a turtle on the wall causing their brows to rise in confusion.

"Y/N, this is church prime, I built this place!" Tommy exclaimed, stumbling over to the shorter teen with a large grin, clearly proud of his work.

"Tubbo helped." Sam says, correcting the blonde as he took off his helmet, pouring the loose water out of it.

"...Tubbo?" Y/N questioned, remembering Puffy mentioning the name before, but they hadn't really trusted her much then.

"Oh, He's a friend of mine-"

"He's your best friend." Sam interrupts the boy's words, Tommy glaring at him slightly but not denying the claim, quickly changing the subject.

"Come on, let's ring the bell!" the blonde said, running past the white pews to the front of the building. Sam stays by the fountain/waterfall thing as Y/N follows Tommy to the front, the boy looking at Y/N expectantly. Y/N looks down at the shiny golden bell being held up on the slab before bringing up a hand and light pushing the bell, a soft ring echoing through the building. Tommy scoffs,

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