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Art: townk44


Honey-colored eyes what as sparks fly from the Mechanical wings on the backs of the fighting Valkeyres, The Sharp, bronze appendages colliding with an echo as the two swords also clash. Seraph narrows her eyes as the opposing Valkyre knocks the shorter to the ground, quickly moving to perform a finishing move before the door burst open behind the angel, the blonde woman spinning around.

"Enough!" a harsh voice rings out the room, Seraph takes a step to the side as the commander steps inside, trailed by a few other normal angels. The commander's face was contorted in a snarl, constant glare on her face. Silverly hair pinned in a tight bun as her grey eyes scanned over the area. "Keep going on like this and the Crimson will eat you up in minutes!" She yelled, Seraph watching as the Valkyre Fledglings cower a bit. The blonde frowns, taking a step towards the women, Unlike the other valkyries, her metal wings were a shimmery silver, showing of her status above them.

"Miss Vadra, They're still just children. You can't expect them to learn like you in just a few weeks" Seraph defends the young Valkyries, ignoring the glare Vadra sends to her.

"We don't have much time to spare, He could invade again any minute and we must be more prepared than last time! We cannot lose Lady Alex like the others." Vedra explains, waving off Seraph before she can speak again. "Leave my Valkyries, You could barely care for the Fledgling under your wing. I don't need you attempting to tend to mine." Vadra says, descending the golden staircase towards the young valkyries. Seraph watches her go with her teeth clenched, a harsh glare in her eyes.

"Lady Seraph?" The blonde glanced over her shoulder, softening her gaze as an Aprentice Valkyrie grinned at her, dressed in golden armor. "I believe Lady Alex wishes to speak with you." she says, laying a hand on the youngers shoulder. "and..Don't listen to Vadra, I'm sure she doesn't know the half of what you've been through." the dark-skinned valkyrie says, smiling softly. Seraph returns the smile, nodding her head.

"Thank you, Sidne." The Honey-haired angel leaves the arena, flinching as the door slams shut behind her. Her eyes narrow at the sight of the lone Island across the sky, the place having been abandoned by all the life in the Aether when the crimson began to grow. Alex successfully managed to destroy it before it could spread further and corrupt the life of the realm. Seraph let out a sigh, mind drifting to Y/n, she had been tasked to care for the Empyrean when they were created since Alex and Steve didn't have the time themselves and Herobrine...well, he was the cause of their creation. The angel had decided to heal the wounds they received with what little power she had connected to the overworld, at least that'd give them more mobility if they're ever in a dangerous situation again. Seraph took to the sky, quickly flying across the way towards the temple, The white building glowing in the light of the sun. The woman quickly burst into the temple, striding down the halls and past many younger angels that worked in the large building, keeping it tended to. Seraph compared the Valkyries to the other Angels often. Most angels had golden or cream-colored wings, sometimes with a dark grey or black, while the valkyries, obviously, had metal wings.

All the Valkyries were Woman, Strong warriors that usually ride the winged horses around the Aether into battle as they cannot fly with their wings. Valkyrie wings are usually used as Weapons, their metal feathers are sharp as Razors. Angel, while they lack in hand-to-hand combat, they excel in magic, Seraph knew many angels that tend to the souls in the Aether that know all sorts of different spells, including darker ones that had been outlawed in the Aether, though, Seraph isn't a snitch, she knew some of those spells herself. Y/n was different to both the humanoid races of the Aether, something special as they had been crafted with the essence of three greater beings. Seraph never got the chance to discover what kind of abilities they actually had, though she suspected that the Teen would inherit Alex's Charm, the angel wonders what they might have gotten from Steve or Herobrine. Seraph pauses, a frown growing on her face. The fact that Y/n was able to perform the charm and not kill everyone with their lack of training was impressive, but it had suddenly occurred to the Woman that Y/n had no idea how to trigger or control their abilities.

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