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Art: https://www.instagram.com/birchflower_/

The last chapter was a bit too short in my opinion, so I tried to get this one extra long!

It's time for the Niki Redemption Arc, Let's go!


Purple sparks filtered through the air from the portal, Seraph gazed at the structure in unease. The Usual feeling of Dread falling upon her shoulders as she and Alex neared the portal. Standing beside the structure, where angels of all different looks, studying and making sure the thing was safe. The last time a nether portal was opened in the Aether was before Seraph even existed, opened by Herobrine to escape the Aether during his rebellion, Which is where he still dwells, and now Steve is there with him. Alex was dressed in Gravite armor, a sword made of Icestone on her side. Storming the opposite dimension with her were a group of well-trained Valkyries, much older than the fledglings Seraph had viewed practicing the day before, their appearances bogged down by years of training and wars, also dressed in the tough armor of Gravite. Seraph was relieved to see the older valkyries instead of the Fledglings, Valda had considered sending the children into the Nether to further their training but Herself, Alex, and Many other angels had objected to the proposition. Alex paused in front of the portal, glaring at the ebony framed structure with a kind of Hatred Seraph hadn't seen on her face before.

"I had hoped I'd never have to face this place again." The goddess spoke quietly, watching as the Valkyries entered the portal ahead of her. Seraph approaches her, laying a hand on the higher beings' shoulder. "Who knows how much it's changed since Herobrine has taken over." Alex continues with a loud sigh, pulling the Gravite helmet over her head.

"It couldn't have changed that much." Seraph offers some comfort, stepping away from the redhead as she marches towards the portal.

"You'd be surprised, all the idea's in his head he couldn't have here; he most definitely created there." The goddess finishes, stepping into the portal. Seraph holds her beath watching till the goddess disappears in a puff of purple particles.


Niki wasn't sure what to do when she saw Puffy enter her city, nor when her fiancee was trailed by Sam, Tommy, and the kid that broke Jack's arm. The pink-haired woman was stunned into silence as Puffy explained their situation, her eyes focused everywhere but on the new residents of her city. Niki was at unease with the way Sam stared at her, and she hated how tense Puffy and Tommy seemed. They had once been her friends, but now they seemed more like strangers. Niki had silently led them to the living area before rushing off to the pet room, cottling the animals in a panic.

"Nonono" the young woman mumbled to herself, face pressed into the polar bear's fur, the animal simply sniffing a bit at the air before letting out a yawn. "This can't be happening." Niki was unable to say anything during the encounter, only nodding her head at their questions. Her mind was running laps at the sight of them. Niki wasn't ready to face Tommy, Niki wasn't ready to face Puffy either, sure, she wanted a change. She was no longer out for the blonde teenager's blood, but she knows they aren't going to be quick to trust her again. And what about Jack. The glasses-wearing teen was going to be pissed when he found out she was living with his enemy. She'd just have to keep him away, yeah, that would work. Niki sat up, exiting the room with the animals, making sure she looked presentable beforehand. The pink-haired woman quickly walked towards her chest room, aiming to retrieve a bottle of water to calm herself before someone stepped in her path, a lead clutched in their hands attached to a familiar dark blue sheep.

"Um...H-Hello." It was the h/c teenager with the wings, they had their eyes averted towards the floor. "Do you have a place fo-for friend?" Niki blinks, looking down the hallway the kid had come from to see Sam leaning against the door, his red eyes watching the both of them. Niki swallows, turning back to the child.

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