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No note this time, just enjoy

Also, this song is going to be Y/n's anthem soon 

Short because it's 3 am :)


E/c eyes flutter open, glancing around only to see darkness all around them. Panic grows in the teen's chest for a moment as they realize they could only move their eyes. Memories flood back into their mind, a pain in their torso, Tommy looking terrified, before they fell into a haze of nothingness. Y/n clenched their eyes shut, a hammering in their chest. Did they die? Already? They were supposed to protect Tommy for Puffy and Sam, They were supposed to go sailing with Puffy. They were supposed to build with Foolish and walk friend with Ghostbur...tears drip down the teens face. Y/n opens their eyes again, surprised to see a person standing before them, instinctively they move to back away, but remember they cannot move. The person was tall, covered in bright green and white robe-type garments, a sword clenched in one of his hands loosely, a white mask covering his face with a smiley face painted on the front. Y/n goes to speak, but all that comes out are a series of coughs, the pain from whatever had stabbed them coming back in their stomach. Suddenly they could move again, falling a few feet before hitting the ground with a yelp. The figure follows, tilting their head. They didn't seem aggressive so Y/n didn't move to protect themselves as the figure floats downwards.

"W-w-what happened?" Y/n manages to stutter out, clutching the area where the intense pain was coming from, there was no noticeable wound but the pain was blaring. The figure jolts as they speak, crouching down in front of them before motioning to their wrist. Y/n blinks, looking down to their wrist, the black and grey sweater sleeve pulling down slightly revealing three faint hearts, all colored red before a large crack grows in one, and then it shatters into pieces, falling away and fading into the darkness. Y/n looks back to the figure, who was now standing again, pointing his sword at the ground, Y/n looks down, the feeling of falling returning to them as the familiar views of the SMP becomes clear again, and Y/n jolts awake, now sitting in the bed of the room Niki had gifted them in the Underground City. The h/c teen looks back at their wrist again, the hearts from before gone. The teen lets out a shaky breath, chest-pounding at the experience. Y/n didn't have a moment to wait before Both Niki and Tommy burst into the room.

"Oh Thank god..." Niki trails off, raising a hand to her chest in relief. Y/n felt relief flood their own chest at the sight of Tommy safe and sound. If they had died then they were sure Tommy had followed closely behind. Tommy rushes to Y/n side, solace clear in his eyes.

"W-We thought you didn't have a life left, thank fuck." Tommy says, practically jumping onto the younger Teen to give them a hug, Y/n returns it tightly. Looking at Niki who was breathing like she'd just ran a marathon.

"I...I'm fine..." Y/n trails off, their hand falling to the place they had been struck as Tommy pulls away "I was...supposed to protect you...not-" The blonde shakes his head, bringing the h/c teen back into a hug as tears begin to drip down their face, sobs bubbling up as the h/c teen clutches the spot they had been shot.

"Don't fuckin' start, he got the both of us off guard," Tommy reassures, not letting go this time as Niki steps closer, laying a hand on Y/n's head. Petting their hair back. "You should have seen Niki though," Tommy says, leaning back a bit to look at the woman in question. "She popped off, kicked Dreams ass." the blonde boy exclaims, almost in awe at the Pink-haired woman's abilities. Niki lets out a soft giggle, a light blush covering her face at the compliment.

"Thank you..." she trails off, continuing to pet Y/n's head. Y/n sniffles a bit, burying their head in the taller boy's chest. Both the teens we're content in the hug, Niki leaning on Y/n's side, wrapping an arm around Tommy as the blonde buries his face in Y/n's hair. Friend stood in the doorway, munching on the end of Y/n's cape that had been left lying against the chair in the corner of the room, tail wagging slightly in contentment. After a few moments of silence, Y/n moves to pull away. Tommy laying a hand on their shoulder tightly.

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