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Sup bitches, this is the longest chapter I've written in a long while so I hope you enjoy :D. Also, this is the end of the Egg arc, WHOOP WHOOP!


Sera looked back at the Demon as he paced around her, allowing the little group to run away. He was here for her. Sera kept her sword clutched in her hands, knuckles turning white as she waited for Bad to make the first move to attack. "So, You are the one he kept telling us about." Bad starts speaking, pausing in his step in front of her once again. The demon had only closed the distance between them both by a few inches, but it caused Sera to grip her sword tighter, nails digging into the metal hilt of the sword. The crackles of the ever-lasting flames on the blade filled her ears. Bad's Axe rested over his shoulder, the demon stood casually Looking Sera up and down as if it was the first time meeting a stranger, which it was but these were less than normal circumstances. "Regardless, Your little angel won't make it in time to stop her from hatching." Bad continues, moving his axe from off his shoulder, letting the heavy part of the blade fall into his hand.

"...I know." Sera starts, raising the sword. "It doesn't matter though." Bad ready's his axe, smiling at the angel as the Netherite blade begins to darken to a deeper black. "I believe they will stop her." Bad lets out a low chuckle as Sera narrows her eyes. No more words are exchanged as Bad moves from his spot, leaving a shadow of red mist in his wake. Sera swings her sword in front of her, flames flying as the axe collides with the orange blade. The forces of the swing cause Sera to slide back slightly, the demon continuing to push his weight onto the sword. Sera raises her hand, grabbing the burning blade of the sword before pushing forward, knocking Bad off of her, she releases the end of the blade quickly, wincing at the pain now running through her palm. Bad leaves her no time to recover, rushing at her again. Sera spreads her wings, flying out of the way just in time. Bad spins around swinging his axe behind his back as Sera lands again.

Bad rushes her once more and Sera ducks, at the last second, Bad reangles his swing, hitting Sera in the legs with the blunter end of the axe, the angel lets out a yelp, flying into the air before she could fall over. Sera glances at her legs, noticing they've already started to bruise above the knee. A grimace lands on her face as she looks back at Bad before something red and sharp suddenly shoots through her stomach. With that injury, Sera's wings falter, and the angel falls to the ground at the entrance to the church, landing on her knees. She looks down at the injury, what looked to be one of the thorns that lined the crimson vines had been impaled through her. Sera clenches her teeth, looking back at Bad with a glare.

"You don't stand a chance." Bad says, watching in amusement as Sera stumbles back to her feet. "I can control it now, at least here." He continues, raising his arm and the vines around the outside of the area of the church shift to follow. Growing over the boundary of the church. Bad raises his arm before Sera can move again, Vines following shifting up into the sky. They hover in the air of only a moment before Bad lowers his arm quickly, bringing the giant red vines down onto Sera. Dirt billows up from the ground from the impact, Bad waving a hand to brush away the dirt in the air to see his work. The demon lets out a huff, turning on his heel.



Y/n follows behind Sky and Puffy as they enter the cave the egg laid. Behind them Wilbur and the younger boys. Y/n's wings were scrunched close to their body as their shoes squished beneath the vines. It smelled like death in the cave, Tommy had pulled zipped up his jacket enough to cover his nose with it. His eyes had been tightened into a glare since the entered. Tubbo had taken to holden Ranboo's hand so tightly his knuckles were turning white, not that Y/n balmed him, it was terrible in here.

Puffy had taken the bomb from Wilbur, leading the ground through the large vines that seemed to move in an attempt to block their way. They seemed more like the veins of something living than just vines with the way they pulsed and glowed. Well, Maybe they were the life force of whatever is growing in the egg. The Olredin as Sera called it. From the little explanation, it seemed whatever it is, is the opposite of Y/n themselves. Puffy used her sword to cut another set of vines away, red liquid that was too bright to be blood leaking out.

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