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Just a short little thing to start the Final Arc. We're nearing the end of this road but there are still quite a few miles to go. I hope you'll all still stick around despite how long it's taking me. I'm really sorry about that. What has been taking up my time right now is that I'm trying to find a job while in the middle of moving so I've been looking for something I can do online. If I finish this story I might go back to proofread and maybe try to sell hardcopies on amazon but Idk yet. 

Enough of the rant, let us get into this!


Heavy footsteps tramble the grass and dying leaves under their feet, and Small creatures sprint out of their way as the figure continues to run. Ignoring the branches and thorns that pierced their pale skin. It was bright, probably around mid-day but the sun refused to break through the thick trees she was sheltered under. Fears consumed her, filling her eyes with tears, though it was much too difficult to see them with the thick, long, and dark-colored strands of hair falling around her, flying past her face as she ran. The hair would tangle in branches and had leaves sticking to it but she did not care.

She just needed to run.

She doesn't know why, Why she needs to run, but her body had been taking over with panic and she turned and ran as soon as she could see. She was confused, the only semblance of thought she had was slurred memories tinted red and black Of people she didn't feel she knew. It hurt her head to try and remember. Voices in her ears that she can't recognize except one, The one that had her run.

'You can't let them get you' It had said, 'I can't let you die so soon.'

She didn't know what to do, so she listened. Maybe it had been a mistake too, but it didn't feel like she had much of a choice.

Everything was so loud in her ears. The feeling of the wind brushing against her scraps and scratches did little to soothe the pain as the short rush of adrenaline started to leave her body. Her legs hurt, her face hurt, everything hurt. But she refused to slow down. Everything was foreign to her, unfamiliar. All she'd ever known was red and now she had been thrust into something new. Forced from the darkness into the light with memories that are not her own.

A tree roots sticking out of the ground caught against her bare feet, scraping the skin on top as well as causing the girl to fall to the ground. She didn't move to stand back up. Black hair scattered across the ground, a contrast against the bright-green grass and leaves she had fallen against. Despite the distance she had gone, she couldn't feel her heart beating against her chest or her pulse against her skin. It was like she didn't have one at all. Was she supposed to have one?

After minutes, which could have very well been hours, The girl pushes herself from the ground, letting out a few dry coughs.

"Dammit." She stuttered under her breath, Maroon-tinted eyes glaring at the grass. She stared at the blades of grass between her fingers, the green stalks lightly brushing against her skin as the wind blew. The girl crushed the grass between her knuckles, ripping it from the ground with a huff. The girl shifted, settling on her knees, opening her palm and letting the grass fall from her hand onto her thighs. She glances over the scratches and scraps the foliage had left on her flesh before letting out a sniffle.

"What do I do now?" She questions, voice small and horse. She waited several moments for a response, only the sounds of wind blowing through the trees, critters running through the grass, and birds singing in the leaves above. Her eyes turned towards the sky, looking at the sun through the branches and leaves. "What do I do now?!" She yells out, glaring at the obscured sky. She clenches her eyes shut, lowing her head back to the ground. Warm tears finally began the flow from the girl's eyes, dripping down her face into the grass.

The girl hunched over the grass, wrapping her arms around her chest. "I didn't want this!" She yelled to the area. "You did this to me! You can't leave me now!" she continued to cry. Raising her arms before slamming her fist against the ground. "I wanna go back! I wanna go home!" The cries, slamming her fist against the ground again.

'You have no home.' The voice returned, whispering the words into her ears in the tunes and tones of many. 'Nowhere to go...no one to turn to...but me.' the wind seemed to slow. 'They've killed the ones I chose for you.'

"What do I do...?" the girl whispers back, resting her palms against her thighs. "Please..." she muttered again after a few moments of silence. It was as if even the animals and plants around her had gone still.

'You aren't ready yet.' it whispers again. 'You are of no use to me like this. But I cannot be greedy.' it continues, ranting into the girl's ears. 'It takes too much time to create your kind. I will not let these sacrifices be in vain.'

The girl sniffles once more body heavy as the soft sounds turned to sobs. The air around her felt as if it was getting colder and colder.

'I must be patient. I refuse to lose a second time.' 

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