Epilogue - 1

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It's been forever guys but doesn't worry I'm back and so is my motivation. 

I've been a little stressed out recently and haven't gotten anything done but I'm here now and It's happening. The chapters now will be starting from 1 again since I'm too lazy to make another book lmao. 

We're really close to the end, I think I might make the last chapters really long for that sake. I hope you all enjoy and I'll talk to everyone when the next chapter is out. 

And anyone worried about the story ending soon there is still quite a lot of story left that I think you will all love. 


The wind brushed through the woman's hair, flicking it behind her head as she stands leaning against the wall around Eret's castle. Pink eyes narrowed at the landscape, colored golden as the sun sets in the distance. Puffy tilts her head forward, clenching her eyes shut as the sound of the breeze brushing through the leaves of the once again green trees. The returning birds sing quietly. Preparing to sleep as the sun fades over the horizon.

"Mom?" Puffy blinks, turning her head to glance over her shoulder. "Are you alright?" The teen behind her questions, Puffy smiles slightly. Giving them a closed-eyed grin.

"I'm great." Puffy says, looking back out on the horizon. "It's just...I've never seen this place so peaceful. There was always something going on." she continues, letting out a bitter laugh. "I'm almost sad it's over." Y/n frowns shifting on their feet.

"It's not over, not yet." Puffy sighs at the statement. The sheep-hybrid turns on her feet placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder. Before she can speak, the teen does. "That person we saw, they're still out there somewhere."

"I know." Puffy starts, "But it's been three years, I'd imagine they're long gone by now" Y/n shakes their head, crossing their arms over their chest.

"It can't be that easy." They say. "The eggpire...They considered it powerful, even Sera-" Y/n pauses for a moment. "Sera and Sky, they said it was the most powerful demon in existence. I doubt it'd just fuck off." Y/n lets out a small yelp as the sheep-hybrid lightly smacks their head.

"You've been hanging out with Tommy too much." Y/n lets out a huff as Puffy continues. "You're still young, you should stop worrying so much and enjoy it a little." Puffy says, ruffling the shorters H/c hair with a soft smile. Her Pink eyes seemed to glow from the ever dying light of the sun.

"Puffy!" Both turn to see Eret standing by the entrance to their castle. "You still want to help me and Foolish with Dinner?" the royal calls. Puffy Sends them a thumbs up, lightly patting Y/n's head.

"Don't stay out too much longer." the sheep hybrid calls, speed-walking back towards the castle. Y/n turns to where Puffy had been looking, laying their palms on the same barrier with a small frown. The sun finally vanishes over the horizon, leaving the sky a mix of dark orange and blue. The teen can't help but worry. The remaining members of the SMP had searched as far possible for any sign of whoever or whatever had come out of the egg those years ago only to come up with nothing. The fact that it's still out there scares them. If anything happened to the Smp, to their friends and family. The teen wouldn't know what to do. Sky and Sera's sacrifices would have been in vain.

In the area the Eggpire base had been those years ago now stood a little cove, the explosion left a sizable hole in the ground that Niki, Y/n, and Ranboo had terraformed and decorated into a nice forestry area where Both Sera and Sky rest now. Or at least where their graves are. A golden sword stabbed into the ground under the little oak tree in the hole commemorated them both. Though, the thought of both Sky, Sera, the eggpire, and the Demon weren't the only thing clouding their mind. Recently they'd been having dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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