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Have a Picrew of Y/n :)


"Here, I'll look around for a healing potion or something" Grayson said, leaving Wilbur's side as the brunette plops down in one of the pews, Y/n moving towards the water falling from the fountain, remembering how Tubbo had said the water had regeneration in it. Sky stepped in behind everyone, sword ready. The little group had made it to the church in the Dead of Night and Sky had trailed behind everyone to protect them, just in case the cult spots them or something. They had stopped by Grayson's house, which was a giant UFO thing in the sky, and the blonde teen had offered Y/n some clothing to wear so they could get out of their wedding attire. Y/n had taken the clothes and held onto them until now, shoving their injured leg in the magic water so it'd heal.

"The church water heals wounds," Wilbur speaks before Y/n can, informing Grayson of the properties of the holy water. The blonde glances over at the fountain, sprinting over with a bucket to get some of it. Sky doesn't spare the rest of the group a glance, walking up to the front of the pews with his eyes narrowed, the moon shining dim light through the purple windows. Grayson goes back to Wilbur, cupping some of the water in his hands before pouring it over Wilbur's injury, the brunette having moved the bandages to the side, letting out a wince as the warm water poured into it, the effect working immediately as both Y/n and Grayson watch the wound pull itself back together with wide eyes. At the sight, Y/n pulled their leg from the water, sure enough, the arrow wound had healed up, leaving a small scar behind. Eyeing the scar Y/n looks back to Wilbur, cringing slightly at the thought of what kind of scar would form on his shoulder from that Axe.

"Y/n. Come here." Sky calls out, Y/n attention jerking to him for a moment before they jump to their feet, legs a bit shaky as they rush towards the older man. Sky grabs Y/n's hands, placing them onto the quartz before removing them. "Let me show you how to summon angels." The brunette says with a grin, stepping around Y/n. A small smile grows on the teens face as Sky reveals more papers from his pockets, muttering something about never being able to remember the words before setting them down in front of the e/c eyed teen. Y/n blinked, Sky had given them a whole stack of notebook papers that the teen had yet to look at, having other things of more importance on their mind. Like if their family is okay. if Puffy respawned. If they were looking for them. Y/n narrowed their eyes at the glass ahead of them, tuning out Sky's words. If they had to stay away to protect their family, they would. Sky snaps his fingers in front of Y/n's face, the teen turning their eyes to him. "Focus." He says, the man was surprisingly patient with them, unlike with Grayson, the two spotting insults at each other since they started walking again. Wilbur simply stumbling along with them, he didn't seem to be all there through, probably from blood loss. His injury was a lot more severe than theirs was and they still made him walk. Though, the teen guesses it'd be kinda hard to carry the tallest of the bunch.

"What do you want me to do?" Y/n asks, Sky motions to the papers again, and Y/n pieces two and two together, he wants them to read it. "Outloud?" Sky nods, shoving his hands in his pockets. Y/n nods looking back towards the paper, their eyes widening as they scan over the unfamiliar words. "How-"

"It's called Araithium, it's the language that enchanted books are written in." Sky explains, leaning against the counter beside Y/n as the teen attempts to make sense of the words.

"How the hell are they supposed to read that?" Grayson questions, having wandered up with Wilbur, who was rolling his shoulder with a grimace. "Those aren't...words." Sky rolls his eyes, motioning for Y/n to step to the side. Y/n does as told, stepping away as Sky stands before the papers, holding them up to his face. Lifting his glasses off his face, the man starts to speak, Y/n's ears perk up slightly, the words almost sounded familiar, but they still couldn't make out what he was saying.

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