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Art: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/sapsnack

I was gonna pair MC with Ranboo for this chapter so they can get to know each other but I switched it up since Tommy died in Canon and I'm sad.


Puffy pauses right outside the spruce door of Niki's new base. Similarly to her old bakery, it was built to blend in with the land around it. After Puffy had sent Niki a message for a favor, the younger woman sent Puffy her cords. Besides, Niki had no reason not to trust Puffy, So why was the sheep-hybrid so hesitant to step inside? It was probably the epiphany she had just a few nights ago that her fiance had turned bloodthirsty. Maybe Puffy could talk some sense into her while she was here. Puffy took a breath, before stepping up to the door, knocking quickly before stepping back. The door swings open immediately, startling the sheep-hybrid for a moment. Niki's eyes brighten when they connect with Puffy's, a small smile gracing the woman's features.

"Puffy, Hello." Niki said, holding the door open for the white-haired hybrid to step inside.

"Hey, Niki." Puffy greets, making sure to smile back as brightly as she can, stepping into Niki's new base. Niki trails behind Puffy as the two reach the larger part of the base.

"Welcome to my Underground City!" Niki cheers, rocking on her heels as Puffy glances around.

"You did all this by yourself?" Puffy questions, hiding her grimace when the younger woman nods. "Impressive." Puffy says, her eyes examine Niki's new appearance. Puffy hadn't really taken the time to look her over before, noticing Niki had turned Wilbur's old coat into a cape, wearing the top half around her shoulders, a cream colored, button up under the cape.

"You needed something? Right?" Niki questions. Puffy blinks, remembering why she had come all this way in the first place.

"Oh, yeah. You still tailor right?" The hybrid asks, turning to face the younger fully. Niki nods, pausing in her excited movements.

"I fixed all this for myself." Niki said, motioning to the clothes she is wearing. "You need me to make you something special? I quite like your pirate aesthetic." Niki says with a small giggle, bringing a smile to the sheep-hybrid's face.

"It's not for me-" Puffy cuts herself off, quickly tracing her mind for an excuse. "It's for a friend in a nearby village." The white-haired woman lies flawlessly, giving her fiance a grin. "Their birthday is coming up." Puffy finishes with a small nod. Niki's smile falls slightly.

"Oh, Sure. B-but I'm quite b-busy so it could take some time." Niki gets out after a moment of silence.

"What are you busy with, maybe I can help?" Puffy questions, though she knows where this conversation is about to go. Niki glances at Puffy, having turned away to one of her chest, eyeing the older hybrid for a moment. The pink haired woman stares her down for a moment before a sigh leaves her lips.

"You wouldn't understand." Niki mutters, grabbing some wool from the chest. "Maybe you should go see someone else to fix the clothes for you." the woman says, her mood taking a turn quickly as she pushes the colorful items into a bag, handing it to Puffy. The hybrid narrows her eyes at her fiance, throwing the bag over her shoulder.

"I want to understand." Puffy says, taking a step toward Niki, the younger's gaze hardening into a glare.

"You know then?" Niki asks, crossing her arms. "You know what we're planning." Puffy doesn't speak, watching as Niki turns her glare to the ground. "I know what you're thinking! 'It's not right!'" The pinkette lets out a scoff. "'He's just a kid!' I know, I've heard it all! I've thought about it! I don't care anymore." Niki admits, turning away from Puffy completely during her rant.

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