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BRUH there's so much fanart I didn't see or get notifications for and I'm so Pissed off. If you sent me a fanart and I haven't shown it yet please let me know so I can search for it. It's probably somewhere in my email or something. I don't get notifs for mentions on Wattpad only by Email so I checked a lot of those too and found a lot. I linked everything at the end of this chapter. And Please keep sending art, I love all of it and you guys are so talented. 


Sky leans against the wall, tapping against the stained glass of the temple. Looking out over the floating Islands of the Aether. The Floss green grass swaying in the gentle breeze that usually blows over the lands. The man lets out a sigh, glasses resting in his hair as a Jackalope jumps across the ground, fluffy wings fluttering as the cream creature takes to the baby blue air. Sky turns his gaze from the glass, looking to the Golden hallways as a Woman moves to stand by his side, Hair black with amber-eyes, skin a dark tan. The shorter woman lets out a sigh, laying a hand on the man's shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" The woman asks, tilting her head to the side. "S'not long till we're back out there."

"Can I be honest with you, Jess?" Sky starts, meeting the woman's eyes. "I'm terrified." Jess nods, rubbing her companions shoulder lightly.

"I am too. I Can't help but worry." Jess starts, moving to stand across from Sky, looking out the window as well. Sky followed her gaze,watching a few Fledglings run around the grass outside the temple, different colored wings fluffing up as they laughed. A smile grows on Sky's face, watching the little angels run carefree, unaware of the war going on right under their noses. "We might lose people. I don't want to lose you, or anyone." Jess continues, bringing a hand to her chest.

"I don't wanna lose you guys either." Sky says, turning his eyes back to the dark-haired woman, one of his closest friends. "I believe in us, though. The ancients chose us for a reason." Sky says, tossing an arm around the woman's shoulders, laying his head on hers. Jess laughs a bit, returning the embrace. Thinking of their companions at the arena as well.

Dan, Lizzie, Sparklez...they were all at risk. They're sould could be taken and they would never be seen again. The thought causes Sky's grip around the woman to tighten.

"We should head up to the arena." Jess starts. "Captains probably wondering where we went." Sky rolls his eyes, stepping away from his friends as she picks at the hilt of her dagger, nervousness showing on her face.

"Don't worry, Jess." Sky says, "I'll be there to protect you, I promise." Jess gives the brunette a giant grin.

"And I'll be there to protect you too."


Y/n lightly knocks on the door to Tommy's room. Sam had approached them after their conversations about the Heroes of the Ancient with Tubbo and Ranboo, telling them the Blonde had locked himself in his room and wouldn't answer to him. Ranboo and Tubbo had informed the H/c teen that When Herobrine broke from the other two ancients there was a war for the Overworld (a war that The Ancients won) and Sky was one of the warriors out of a handful that fought for the Aether. It was interesting, and Y/n found themselves wondering who else might have been a part of the whole thing. But they had other issues to attend to right now, the main one being Tommy. Y/n lets a frown fall on their face at the lack of response, leaning their ear up to the door. Faint sobs reach their ears and the teen swears their heartbreaks then and there. Going for the doorknob, Y/n attempts to open it, frowning when the door comes up locked. Well, this was gonna be harder than they thought. Y/n lets out a sigh, leaning up against the door again.

"Tommy" The e/c teen calls out, their wings fluffing up as the sound of the blonde's cries cease. "Are you alright? Can I come in?" It's silent for a long while, Y/n rocking on their heels, listening for any kind of response. "I'm here if you want to talk...." Y/n trails off, pressing their back against the door, sliding down it with a huff, wings curling around them.

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