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Oop, this one is extra long!

I couldn't find the artist, so if you know who drew this please let me know!

Here, have the songs I listened to while writing.

I wanna see more fanart :) please. I love it so much.


Y/n blinks, the somewhat familiar surroundings of the church filling their vision, a confused look grows on the teens face, the moon shining brightly through the purple windows. The teen's left leg was submerged in the water of the church, Y/n attempts to move their leg to no avail, the limb feeling heavily weighed down. A tinge of panic grows in the h/c teen's chest, unable to see under the unusually warm water in the darkness. The winged teen's shoulders tense as voices start to filer around them, Voices familiar and Unfamiliar.

'That wasn't part of the deal.'

A male voice rings out, quiet but angry.

'There was no deal. I cannot be there. It has to be you.'

A woman says, Seraph, Y/n could recognize the authoritative voice of the angel anywhere. She had a twinge of a southern accent and her voice was deep, though not deep enough she would sound like the man had. She sounded angry, but as Y/n looked around their eyes landed on three figures sitting between the pews, their features unrecognizable.

'I'll do it if you won't.'

Another familiar voice speaks up, their tall figure standing. Ghostbur? Y/n was tempted to call out, but as they open their mouth to speak, no words would fall. Y/n raises a hand to their throat, confused as, Presumably, Ghostbur approaches the other standing man. It's silent for a few moments, the man letting out a sigh.

'Fine. But you better give me something good after this is all over.'

With those words, the surroundings of the church fade away, Y/n blinking awake to the sable brown walls of the room in Niki's city. The teen sits up, stretching their wings, careful not to knock them into anything, across the room on the opposite bed was Ranboo, snoring with his face pressed into the fabric of the bed. Y/n smiles slightly at the sight, glancing over at the clock placed above the door. 8:00 am. The teens smile falters, only an hour and Puffy will be up, making noise in the kitchen, her or Niki, who is much more considerate in the mornings. Though excitement shoots through the teen, Y/n using their wings to help them jump to their feet, a loud swishing noise echoing through the room causing Ranboo's head to shoot up, eyes looking dazed before focusing on Y/n.

"Oh, Goodmorning, Y/n." Ranboo says, rolling onto his back, tail swishing off the side of the bed. Ranboo hadn't bothered to use the covers on the bed for some reason, though Y/n didn't really care to think about it, digging through their bag, pulling out their journal.

"Are you excited?" Y/n asks, flipping through the book before jumping onto the bed next to Ranboo, The tribrid boy letting out a yawn.

"For? The wedding?" Ranboo asks, dropping his head on Y/n's shoulder, watching as the h/c teenager flips through the book to the most recent page, words the Ranboo decides to ignore as Y/n stops to show him a drawing of himself.

"Yeah. Do you like this?" Y/n questions, eyes watching Ranboo's face for a reaction. Ranboo blinks a few times, waking himself up in the process as he sits up, the drawing was of him in his new outfit Eret had made, a grin growing on the tribrid's face.

"It's great! Why didn't you show me sooner?" Y/n laughs slightly, dream forgotten as they take the notebook back from his grip.

"I just finished it last night. I can't wait to toss flowers with Tubbo." Y/n says, Ranboo noting the drawings of flowers dotted across each page as Y/n palms the pages of the book. "Do you think It'll go well?" Y/n decides to ask, remembering their dream from before, they had been dressed in their wedding outfit causing nerves to grow in their chest. Ranboo frowns, leaning back against the pillows of the bed.

The Traumatized Children Club - (DSMP reader insert)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα