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Art:  https://picrew.me/image_maker/257476

I was too lazy to look for art on Twitter so I made a Picrew of Y/n. The flowers are Alliums because Ranboo.  and the Bandana is red because Tommy. And if you remember, Tubbo made the cape/Jacket for Y/n so that's his symbolism. 


Techno stomped through the snow, a huff leaving the piglin as he notices the strange emptiness of the area he had stepped into. Only one of the many buildings actually seemed lived in, smoke bellowing out of the chimney while the others were void of the light like the home near the water. Techno's thoughts were confirmed when he spies a familiar figure standing on the porch as he approached, the man's arms crossed as he stared at the piglin-hybrid.

"Techno." Sam drew, staring the man down. Techno was well aware that Sam wasn't the biggest fan of him after the whole L'manburg incident. The dislike seemed to have grown when they locked Dream in prison, so The Piglin assumed it was due to something the man might have admitted in jail that had led to Sam to hate him, Techno really wants to know what it was now, What Dream could have said or done that would make the man hate someone else. "What are you doing here?" Sam asked though it's more phrased as a demand than anything. Techno raised his hand in surrender.

"I could ask you the same thing, you don't live here," Techno said, in a joking tone. Sam didn't look amused, so Techno lowered his hands, a sigh leaving him. "I'm not here for trouble," Techno confirms shaking his head. "Niki told me that the blast that broke all the glass might have come from here. I was curious, Y'know." Techno explained, hoping to get the creeper-hybrid off his back. "I'm sure you'd be too."

"Yeah..." Sam trails off, keeping his eyes focused on the piglin, Techno stares back. The two red-eyed hybrids having a staring contest before Ranboo bursts from the house behind them, the tall tribrid giving them both a nervous grin.

"Techno, Hey Man. What's up?" Ranboo says, taking a place between the two men. "It's nice to see you, but I thought we were meeting up sometime later this week."

"We still are." Techno bemuses, shifting his weight, refusing to break eye contact with the Creeper-hybrid who stood casually against the fence on the porch of the house. "I'm running an investigation, I'll stay out of your way." Techno finishes, moving to leave the area before pausing. "Is Ghostbur here?"

"Uh, he's inside, with Puffy" Ranboo says, his composer dropping with each question the piglin asks. "He told us you were on your way over."

"Can I come inside? I'd like to continue my conversation with him." Ranboo's face falls at the question.

"Yeah, I don't know about that. H-he was pretty-"

"No, It's fine." Sam says, nodding his head at Ranboo. The tribrid seems to take this as a sign as he nods quickly, rushing back inside without a word. Sam and Techno stare at each other for a moment, before Sam motions for Techno to follow him, stepping into the house. Techno pauses a moment. This whole thing is incredibly suspicious as if there was something Inside they don't want him to see. Techno raises a brow, before beginning to tail Sam. They enter the house, the warmth hitting him as Sam shuts the door behind him. Techno glances around the little living room, No one was in there aside from a familiar blonde slime-hybrid lazing on the couch. Techno wasn't sure who this house belonged too but it definitely wasn't Charlie's, The slime couldn't decorate for shit. Charlie's head turns towards the two, simply giving a wave. He was unusually calm, like Sam. Though Techno supposes they believe if Techno makes a move they could beat him, Granted, Techno was still unsure who exactly was here and who wasn't.

"Soo...Where is Ghostbur?" Techno asks, glancing around the area of the living room and the stairs across the room, not seeing Ranboo or anyone else. Where had he gone? Sam nodded his head towards the kitchen, allowing the Piglin to walk into the kitchen. Techno pauses before entering the room, Seeing Puffy and Ghostbur sitting at the table with Tommy and the kid from a few days ago Techno couldn't remember the name of. The piglin takes in a breath, not really wanting to be in the same room as his Pseudo-brother, But he wanted to know what exactly Ghostbur knew that he didn't. Neither Tommy nor the h/c kid was facing him, but Ghostbur's face brightens and Puffy sends him a smile, though it didn't seem too genuine. As the other two faced him, Techno decided to wave. "Hallo."

The Traumatized Children Club - (DSMP reader insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora