[Draco Malfoy] ~Spoilt pureblood

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Hello! This is a request by @carlarosebutterfly, I changed it up a bit because of sensitive topics, but I think there's still everything you asked for.
Anyway, I hope you like this and I hope you enjoy it!



Third part's point of view

Little Draco Malfoy, only five years of age, was already more spoilt than most of the British population. He came from a rich and well-known wizarding family, and at a snap of his fingers, he got whatever he asked for.
Draco, however, felt lonely in his little world, his only playing companions were the house-elves because his mother and father were always too busy to engage in his childish plays.

Today, Draco was playing with a house-elf named Dobby. Draco had always been secretly fascinated by the elves' magic and had always found them quite patient and tolerating, given how they were treated by the wizards, but Draco could not say that out loud, for he had learnt that for some reason they were his inferiors.
The house-elf playing with Draco was now in charge of presenting to little Draco a puppet show, and Dobby was showing his younger Master a rather spectacular show of puppets. But Draco wasn't finding the show to be quite as thrilling. And so, Draco threw a tantrum because, while the house-elf was doing a spectacular job, Draco still wanted more.
Draco needed human connection with other children, although he did not know that was what he needed. Draco wanted someone else, someone his own age to play with him, someone that wasn't the house-elves.
"Get out! Leave me alone! You don't know how to play!"

At the sound of her son's cries, Narcissa Malfoy ran towards her son's room, fearing the worst, and when she got there, she found the house-elf nowhere to be seen and Draco, who among sobs explained to his mother that he wanted someone to play with, someone that was a human, not a house-elf.

After calming her son and lulling him to a nap, Narcissa spoke to her husband about their son's latest demand.
"We cannot conceive another child, surely you are even more aware of that than I am Narcissa." Lucius said immediately and Narcissa sighed.
"I know, but there must something we can do surely. Draco feels lonely without the company of another child. Perhaps we could adopt one. A muggle, to keep as Draco's friend within the manor. That way we will not have to worry about him leaving to go somewhere else and he will have someone to play." Narcissa suggested primly and Lucius nodded slightly.
"The muggle would be serving their rightful purpose, serving the superior kind. I say we go through with it, as Draco's birthday present." Lucius agreed and a smile bloomed on Narcissa's face, glad to have been able to once again, fill her son's request.


The little red-headed girl bounced happily at the thought of finally getting adopted, although she had no notion of what an adoption was, but she knew the other kids were always happy to be adopted so she was as well.
Mrs. Adams, the prime caregiver at the orphanage, looked at the small child fondly, remembering how she had been no older than a few days when she had been left at the orphanage's doorstep, Mrs. Adams leaned forward and fixed the girls clothes and hair, so she would look her best in front of her new parents.
The couple, Mrs. Adams struggled to remember their names, were fairly odd, and seemed completely misplaced among the other adults she had ever knew, but she had reasoned with herself.
'Foreigners' she thought to herself as she welcomed them into her office and shook their hands. 'Probably French, with those weird clothes.'

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