[Oliver Wood] - Scottish idiot

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First year

My name was called out and I stepped away from the line and towards the small wooden stool.
I sat down, and Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat in my head.
The hat fell in front of my eyes, and I almost laughed at it. I heard a soft humming sound before the hat spoke.
"Another Willow? You're sure to follow your siblings' footsteps I see." It felt as if the hat was inside my head, speaking to me. Until it wasn't inside my head and shouted.

"Gryffindor!" The hat was removed from my head, and I slowly walked to the table that had both my siblings sat on. I smiled brightly at them before sitting down next to one of the Weasley twins who had just been sorted as well.
My siblings- Jack and Laurel, who were on their third year- smiled proudly at me as the last of the students were sorted into their houses.
Looking further down the table I saw a certain third year that was friends with my siblings wink at me. I was far too familiar with him and his winks so I just rolled my eyes at him.
Merlin, the welcoming feast hadn't even ended yet and I already knew that that third year would make my life a living hell.
The third year smirked at me, and I sighed.
Oliver Wood.
That was the Scottish idiot's name.


The school year went by in the blink of an eye and when I noticed, it was already my last day before summer holidays officially started.
To say this year had definitely shaped up to be a test to both, my mental health and patience was an understatement.

There was always an essay to be completed, there was Oliver annoying the living daylights out of me, always a ton of homework, Oliver managing to get on every single one of my nerves, studying for quizzes, Oliver making sure I wanted to rip his head from his shoulders - did I mention that Oliver had never failed to make me want to kill him?

That being said, I just couldn't wait for the holidays so I could go home and take some time for myself.
Not having to constantly deal with Oliver was going to bring me some well-deserved peace.
Apparently Oliver's pursuit of my person had started because Jack, my dear brother, had given Oliver the mission of 'looking after me whenever he couldn't'.

But if my brother thought I was going to let it go so easily then he better think this through. I was going to get my revenge.
The last feast of the year had already ended and now, the train ride back home had just started.
I was sat in a compartment with some of my fellow Gryffindor friends - said friends being Angelina, Alicia, Lee, Fred, and George.
As I looked at them, I smiled. I was going to miss having them around all the time.

I focused on Angelina's teary eyes and smiled softly at her when she motioned for me to shut up.
The compartment door slid open, and someone sat themselves beside me.
Looking up I saw Oliver and scrunched my nose.
"What do you want?" I asked in a rather rude manner, but I couldn't bring myself to really care.
"I'm spending most of my holidays at your house. Your brother invited me!" Oliver said and I rolled my eyes as I let out a very tortured sigh. I looked at the twins and they smiled at me.
Their mother -bless her soul- had invited me to spend some of my holidays at the Burrow. Ignoring Oliver's statement, I smiled at my friends.
"I'm going to miss you." I admitted rather quietly, and they smiled. I smiled right back, my smile growing wider with Oliver's frown.
I picked up a chocolate frog and plopped it in my mouth, happily chewing on it, as Oliver got out of the carriage.

Fifth year

A year ago, in my fourth year, I hadn't been so completely blind to the stares I had started to get from everyone. I wasn't deaf to the comments I heard about me growing up over summer either, and neither was I innocent enough to believe they were talking about my height.
Accompanying the changes in my body, my sister had also taught me some make-up charms and I had started to wear them regularly, which made me look less childish.
Some changes had been very welcome while others... Weren't.

Oliver and my brother had started to act even more protective of me when they noticed the comments and stares I had started to get.
They didn't let me even talk to boys. And Godric forbid they found a boy asking me out! That was something close to an apocalypse.
Along with Oliver and my brother, Lee and the twins had also started to 'protect' me from boys.
I had developed a crush on the very person I had sworn to hate from the first time I saw him.
And so, in order to get over my crush on Oliver, I wanted to go out and meet some new people, but the boys weren't having it.

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