[Charlie Weasley] ~ Maybe magical

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Charlie Weasley, once he quit being the douche who loved to hear his own voice a little too much on those awful stories about his work on bloody Romania, was actually a really nice guy and a genuinely nice company to hang out with.
And that was how, after I'd already told him to shut his trap countless times, we found ourselves sitting together in my grandma's cafe, quietly chatting away during my break.

He took a sip of his tea before shooting me a pointed look. "Enough talking about me. Have you got any news love?" he asked calmly, and I cringed visibly, refraining from throwing my tea on his face, because my grandma surely liked him and I wasn't about to upset the woman who'd brought up five kids and eighteen grandchildren.
"If you must know, Charles, "he made a face at my use of his actual name, and I smiled. "Alexander asked me out on a date." Charlie's eyes went wide as he choked on his tea, and I smirked.
"Come again?"
I giggled a little at his reaction before slowly repeating. "Alexander, the cute guy who works with me at the other store, asked me out on a date."
Charlie gathered himself quickly and tried to pretend he was calm by taking a sip of his tea, but his white knuckles were a tell-tale sign that he was anything but calm.
"I believe you accepted, no?" he questioned and I shook my head.
I groaned. This was going to hurt admitting. "I actually turned him down." I muttered and Charlie calmed visibly as he smirked. Bastard. "I mean, what kind of an idiot assumes that you'll spend your first date in bed, naked?" Charlie smiled as he put down his empty cup of tea.
"Well, it might be on a whole different level, but my last girlfriend and I's first date was at my parents' house. At my older brother's wedding actually." I shook my head as I sipped my tea again.
"If that was me in her place, you would've been dateless in the blink of an eye." I admitted and Charlie bit his lower lips.
Damn, the man was sexy.
"Well, that crosses one of my plans for our first date." Charlie said smugly and I snorted.
" Who says there will be a first date?" I asked as I crossed my arms.
"You will soon enough." He smirked and I rolled my eyes just as my grandma walked by us.

"Having fun my dear?" My grandma asked and I was about to say something when she cut me off. "Yes, I was talking to Charlie." I pouted as Charlie threw me a smug smile.
"Oh, I'm having the time of my life, Mrs. Wilkinson. Your granddaughter is just so... delightful." He said in a sarcastic tone, and I kicked his shin, which took his smile away rather quickly. That served him right.
My grandma, clearly pleased that Charlie and I were finally getting along, smiled at us "Well, I'll leave you to your fun." She then proceeded to walk towards my brother Zach and his girlfriend, who were talking in quiet murmurs in a corner.

"My grandma likes you more and that's majorly unfair." I complained when she was out of earshot.
"It's my charm, all the ladies love it. From eight-year-olds to eighty-year-olds." He bragged and I rolled my eyes.
"I can't see any of that so-called charm." I teased but I knew that I was lying.
His charm didn't affect only the other ladies, but he didn't need to know that did he?


I looked around, wondering why on Earth Charlie was taking so long to finish getting ready, because we were almost late, and if he didn't move his ass –an admittedly nice one – we would be late and we would never hear the end of it, so it was in everyone's best interests for Charlie to hurry up.
Whoever said that women take longer to get ready, clearly had never met Charlie Weasley.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get ready." he said as he dropped a kiss to my head, offering me his arm as we exited my apartment.
"It's nothing to worry about really, but we need to move fast if we want to get there on time." I said and Charlie nodded. We entered my car and as I drove, we filled the silence with pointless conversations and songs that played on the radio.

When we finally got to the venue Charlie cleared his throat as I put my car keys in my purse. I looked at him as we linked our arms and he smiled. "Remind me, which of your brothers is getting married?"
I let out a chuckle as we walked to our designated seats, right at the front, well Charlie's seat was because I was going to be standing beside the bride as one of the bridesmaids. I couldn't really blame him for mixing up my brothers, they really were too many.
"Nick is the one getting married. He is the eldest one, and his future wife's name is Catherine." I explained and Charlie nodded, before frowning deeply.
"How can you leave me alone like this? And among your brothers nonetheless!" he whispered heatedly, and I rolled my eyes for him to see.
"Would you relax? They're the youngest three and the most laid-back ones, you're going to be fine." Charlie rolled his eyes at me, and I sighed. "The most protective one is the one getting married, he's the one that in a normal day would kick your ass, but today he's rather stressed about his wedding, so you should be fine as long as you don't tick him off."
Charlie sighed deeply and dropped a kiss to my cheek. "I will keep that in mind." He straightened himself to his full height. "You look gorgeous by the way. Gold really is a good colour on you, brings out your eyes." And with that Charlie was off to go seat among my brothers as my cheeks were covered in a deep blush.
As I waited for the bride at the entrance of the venue, I couldn't keep my mind off of a certain red headed man.
I kept sneaking glances at him even as the ceremony progressed, pretending I didn't see seven of my nine brothers glaring at him from different parts of the venue and I especially pretended that I didn't notice one of them was missing the ceremony.
Well, there were so many of them that I was sure nobody had noticed.

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