[Sirius Black] ~ Standing Up For Her

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Most of the people in my year, especially the Slytherins, made fun of me, just because my sister and I came from a muggle family and not a family of wizards like most people at this school.
While Lilly handled the constant teasing and name-calling on her own, I was more on the quiet side, so I never really talked back, I just let them say all they wanted without opening my mouth.
That was how I had been cornered by a group of purebloods who were calling me the most awful names they could find, and telling me all the bad things they'd do to me. At some point, due to sheer panic, my mind had shut down and I had started hearing them as if they were all talking underwater.
I raised my teary eyes just in time to see one of them raise their wand and point it in my direction, making me tremble in fear.
Where were the professors who patrolled the halls when you needed them?

I shakily reached for my wand. In this state, I wasn't even able to hold my wand correctly, let alone use it, but just knowing it was there, within reach gave me a little spark of hope.
Just as I thought the first hex would hit me, I saw it rebound and hit one of those making fun of me.
I looked to my right, finding Black and Potter, and when I managed to move my head, I saw Lupin and Pettigrew. How come they were here?
Black said something to them and crouched in front of me as the other three stood protectively in front of us.
I averted my eyes slowly to Black and flinched slightly when he reached out with his hand to touch me.
I saw his mouth move as he frowned lightly, and I assumed he was apologizing.
I shook my head, trying to get rid of the ringing in my ears and the crushing weight on my chest.
I saw Black's mouth move, and quickly, and I assumed he was talking to me, but I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears.
Slowly, as my breathing evened, I could hear Black's words.
"Evans, please, for the love of Merlin, talk to me." He pleaded urgently and I shook my head.
"I-I'm okay," I murmured and he sighed in relief, extending his hand and waiting patiently for me to take it as he stood. I carefully placed my hand in his and let him help me up, "Th-Thank you."
Black smiled brightly. "Come on, we'll take you to the common room."


Boarding the Hogwarts train was even better this year, knowing there were four Gryffindors, whom I had not seen all summer, waiting for me.
Lilly could not understand how I could hang out with the four boys, but she was happy I had finally made some friends for myself. She hung out more with the girls in our dorm, because they did not want to associate with the boys, due to their constant pranking.
"I'm going to find them, do you want to come with me?" I asked softly as I looked at Lilly and Marlene, but they shook their heads.
"We have to wait for Dorcas and Alice."
I waved them goodbye as I left their compartment, to find the Marauders, wherever they were.
It wasn't hard to spot them, not when James and Sirius were talking loudly by the compartment door.
"Hi!" I greeted them excitedly as I hugged them both and heard the two laugh as they hugged back.
"Hey Evans," James began before Sirius could get a word out, "I need to ask you something."
"Let me sit down first, good Godric."
"It's about your sister. What's her opinion of me?"
I stared at James before looking at Sirius, who shrugged.
"She's... not too fond of you," I admitted softly and James pouted as Sirius howled with laughter.
"I was right, mate."
"Why isn't she fond of me?" James asked softly as he frowned and I rubbed his arms, trying to think of how to soften the blow of my sister's opinion on him when Remus joined our conversation.
"Does she need to give you reasons? Have you not looked in the mirror at all for the last twelve years?"
I giggled lowly, and James glared at all of us as he crossed his arms.
"Bunch of dimwits."


Because of my spending time with the Marauders, Lily had grown closer to them as well, and so had her friends, and we were now mostly one big group, which was the reason why we had been invited to stay over at the Potters' home for a month.
I had accepted all too willingly, especially when James told me that Sirius would also be coming.
But by now, we had been here for almost five days and Sirius had yet to show up. I wouldn't normally worry, wasn't it for the fact that any and every owl we sent came back with no answer, and they all came back still sealed.
I was playing along with my friends, trying to take my mind off of Sirius' disappearance, but it was hard, especially when every noise I heard made me turn to the fireplace and check for the older Black son.
Dorcas laid a hand on my shoulder and shook me lightly, making me look at her.
I hugged my knees to my chest as I gave her a small smile. "I'm fine, my head's just not in the game. Sorry guys."
James turned to me with a sympathetic smile. "He's okay, don't worry about it too much."
I shook my head, laying my head on my knees, as I watched them continuing to play the game until someone rang the Potters' doorbell.
"I got it, mum!" James shouted as he stood up to open the door.
Only a few seconds later, James shouted for his mum again, and we all scrambled to see what it was when we heard his panicked tone.
As soon as we got to the entrance I realized why.

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