[Seamus Finnigan] ~ Soulmates?

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One of the first things you heard about once you came to Hogwarts was about the soulmate bond, and how it was so rare.
In fact, it was such a rare occurrence that most people never actually felt theirs. As long as you had never been in physical contact with your soulmate, you would be able to live a normal life, fall in love, have kids, grow old with someone else, with the person you loved, but if you had ever been in physical contact with your soulmate, those things became painful if they weren't done with the person Fate had picked for you.
There were, as we were told, some very obvious indicators that you should take into account to figure out if you had met your destined one, such as; the tingling sensation of warm electricity that rushed over you whenever you touched them or were close to them, a colorful daze which swarmed your mind whenever they spoke, and there was, of course, what had been come to get called the 'soulmate passcode', which for some weird reason, was a childhood story which you could recite by heart down to the last detail, and it was exactly equal to your soulmate's story, from the date and time to the color of your clothes, to the number of people present and your relationship with them.

And, at the tender age of 16, I was sure I was one of the few lucky people to have found my soulmate, but Fate had it out for me, I was sure, because, my soulmate didn't buy into the whole soulmate thing, let alone want one.
He had to be just as aware as I was of our bond, and how painful it was for me -it would have to be just as painful for him- to have him deny it all, and state, loud and clear that he didn't need any of that in his life.
The only way to put the check mark on my suspicion was to tell the childhood story, together, down to the last piece of detail. But he refused to share his childhood stories with anyone, and I was too much of a wuss to impose on him like that and demand to know why on this Earth he denied our bond.
Naturally, even if we had been close to each other, we had drifted apart, more like I had distanced myself from him, to keep myself guarded, and try to make the pain go away.
They said once you and your soulmate touched for the first time, you could feel whatever they felt, and, once again I had proof it was him, he was my soulmate.
A while back, I had been in a not-so-great headspace, to put it nicely. I hated myself, saw myself as a burden, and most days, just getting out of bed was a task too exhausting, so I couldn't even move. Sleeping was also too hard, my mind was never quiet, and thoughts of how unworthy I was, loomed my mind every single second; day, and night, making it impossible to rest properly.

Nowadays I was better, thankfully. Therapy and medication had helped me come a long way, but in those dark days, I had turned to self-harm as a way to relieve my pain.
No one knew it, it was impossible for anyone to do so, I had hidden myself in places so dark and unused, no one would have known if they didn't know exactly where to look.
But, after one of those nights, where I had questioned my purpose, my whole existence, as I walked through the corridors, alone and with my sleeves pulled down, he had come to me.
He had asked if I needed someone to talk to, he said he had felt it on his own skin, and when I played dumb, he pulled me aside, hiding me with his frame, and pulled my sleeves up, exposing what many nights of self-loathe had done to me.
I had hastily pulled down my sleeves, and ran from him, hiding out and avoiding every single place he usually hung around.
After that, I didn't need a fucking story to tell me what I already knew. He was my soulmate.

"Hey, are you okay?" I turned around immediately, tearing my gaze from him.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I murmured as I saw from my peripheral vision as a girl approached him, laying her hand on his arm and squeezing it, beaming at him as she shamelessly flirted.
Neville carefully looped his arm through mine, offering me a smile. "That soulmate stuff really works you up."
I sighed, allowing Neville to drag me away from that ridiculous scene that was my soulmate flirting and getting flirted by another girl.
"It's such a stupid thing! It honestly looks like he doesn't even care!" I complained and Neville sighed.
"Don't worry," he said with a small smile, "he'll eventually realize how stupid he is."
"Let's hope that happens on time."

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