[Sirius Black] ~ Under Wraps

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I sat down between Lily and Dorcas, and right in front of James, Sirius, and Remus. I had stayed behind in Potions because Slughorn wanted to speak with me. Turns out I got awarded with an invitation to my very first Slug Club party and I was happy to see my hard work recognized after so much effort, instead of just being swept under the rug or hidden by the giant mountain of my twin's academic and sportive achievements.
Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but after being in his shadow for the last sixteen years, I felt like I needed to be known as more than simply 'James's twin sister'.
I needed to be known for my achievements.
I needed Sirius to acknowledge me as a human being, not James's twin and prank target.
Honestly, it was a weird dynamic because I'd developed a crush solely on how he acted toward others and his looks. Because if I focused solely on my 'friendship' with him? Yeah, that was not something I'd be attracted to normally.
"So, what did Slughorn want?" James asked and I shrugged lightly.
"He gave me an invitation to his Slug Club party," I said as I showed him the envelope. "I'm planning to be there for fifteen minutes and ditching."
"Only fifteen?" Sirius asked, "But after dinner, the good booze gets served!"
"No booze for her!" James intervened and I huffed.
"This is exactly what I was talking about. He thinks I'm incapable of making my own decisions." I complained to Lily and she sighed as James narrowed his eyes.
"I'm not about to let either of you drag me to the middle of another one of your sibling fights." Lily warned and I huffed, before she continued, "So figure it out before I silence you both."
I rolled my eyes, before looking at James, and speaking in the calmest voice I could muster, "I believe I am perfectly able to make my own choices, James Fleamont."
James snorted, before he straightened his posture, "Well, Y/N Euphemia, I'm just trying to be helpful."
I huffed, before I said resolutely, "Well, then stop trying."
James was about to answer, but an owl dropped a note before me and I raised an eyebrow, as Dorcas questioned, "Were you expecting an owl?"
I shook my head, "Merlin, no. Unless..." I shared a look with James. Sometimes our mother decided to randomly owl our professors with whom she was acquainted and that usually ended with one of us, or maybe both, getting a howler disguised as a normal owl. "Do you think Mom...?"
James shook his head, "If she had I'd be the one getting a howler, not you."
I grabbed the note and opened it, before looking at the contents of the note.

Dear Y/N,
Please accept the note from the 1st year.
Thank you.

Dorcas and Lilly, who were reading the note from over my shoulder hummed in confusion before I looked up and noticed a Gryffindor 1st year standing behind me.
"Hello, this is for you." As soon as the note was in my hands the 1st year ran to his friends, not even letting me thank him.
I crossed my legs as I opened the note.

Dear Y/N,
Meet me near the Black Lake tomorrow night, right after dinner? By that big old tree?
Your admirer

I looked at the two girls on either side of me, before turning to my brother and his three counterparts.
"Does any of you know anything about this?" I asked as I passed James the note.
"An admirer?" Sirius asked, sounding impressed, "Who would have known, huh Potter?"
I huffed, "I'll have you know, I can be quite charming if necessary."
Sirius laughed as he passed me back the note. "Never doubted it."
"You're not planning on going, are you?" Lilly asked from beside me and I shrugged.
"I might go, what do I stand to lose?"
"You don't know who it is!" James said, finally letting go of his initial shock, "You're just being plain stupid at this point."
"I'm sorry, but James is right," Lilly said and I gasped. Whose side was she on?! "I'm sorry, but I just want you to be safe. Who knows what that person might want from you?"
"The two of you are overthinking everything. I'll be perfectly fine, I can handle my own if I have to."
James, recognizing there was nothing either of them could do to prevent me from going, sighed in defeat.
"Don't come crying to me if this person turns out to be just fucking around."

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